parent opinion

PARENT OPINION: It’s time we stop demonising kids’ screen time.

Thanks to our brand partner, Optus

The popularity of in-and-out lists are taking over our social feeds this month in 2023. 

This got me feeling I should embrace it and create one for myself, purely for parenting (because let’s be honest, it is a hard gig). But after much deliberation, and back and forth, I ended up with just one 'theme' for each of my lists.

My biggest 2023 'in': whatever works for your kids and family, do that. 

My biggest 2023 'out': demonising screen time. 

Because screen time – how much of it is allowed and how kids use it – is one of the most hotly debated issues parents have faced for literal years. And let’s be honest, more often than not, screen time gets popped into the ‘bad’ side. There's guilt and shame attached to how much of it you'll allow under your roof. Sometimes blamed as a sole cause of problems rather than viewed as a tool that can actually offer a whole host of benefits too, especially for kids. 

And to be honest, I’m sick of it.

For the record, no, I’m not saying throw out all common sense, rules, privacy and parental controls over technology, nor am I saying that its use comes problem-free. What I am saying is that technology used by kids can be educational, interactive, entertaining and at times (especially when on a long car drive) a complete lifesaver. So let’s give credit when credit is due and consider how much we may be demonising it.

Take my two kids, Addison, 10 and Milla, 8. For them, screen time and technology are an outlet for their creative nature and their imaginations, offering ways for them to express themselves and their personalities, learn valuable skills and have fun along the way.


Addison, who is extremely creative, regularly utilises digital technology to design and create. She uses her iPad, a mini green screen and a ring light to film and edit her own videos and movie trailers with her sister.

She also produces print designs – everything from posters to business cards for her jewellery store. She also dabbles in music production by recording songs and then mixing in instrument sounds on a specialty program. 

Milla, a lover of movies, will watch her favourites on Netflix and then recreate the scenes with Barbie or Lego afterwards, the shows and films jumping from screen to interactive play and igniting her imagination.

Image: Supplied.


Like her sister, Milla also utilises apps, to create. In Milla’s case, her go-to is bite-size animations, or snapping pictures and editing them, trialling different effects, and filters, with often hilarious results.

For me, it was perhaps the dreaded remote learning that really made me realise how important technology is for our kids. Throughout these periods, technology allowed my kids and thousands of others to continue schooling even when they couldn’t physically attend school. 

While that time has gone (hopefully never to return. Can you touch wood as you're reading this just in case?) many of these benefits have remained: from the educational apps that my kids also find fun and will play around with on weekends or school holidays. 

From this time, they are also both now well equipped with the skills and confidence to search for information on the internet to find answers to questions they have or to source educational resources in order to complete homework tasks. 


It's screen time that has also allowed both of my kids to have hands-on experience with STEM, including coding apps and games which has ignited critical thinking. 

Together as a family, I'll admit we don't shy away from screen time, either. From family movie nights, or recently to research our upcoming trip to Thailand. We have used translators to learn key Thai phrases and their correct pronunciation and also explored their culture, widening our perspectives and empathy for the world around us (oh, and working out how to use the squat toilet. Very important screen time used there).

Socially, there are benefits too, especially now as the summer holidays go on and on (they are sooo long, right?!). For my eldest in particular, being able to connect with her school friends has been an asset allowing her to keep a social connection with her friends even when they can't be together in person, which is also a great benefit to her wellbeing.

In addition, being online also allows them both the opportunity to develop positive online behaviours and to call out or seek parental advice about what isn’t. Becoming responsible and aware online users in the ever-changing digital world is essential because we all know that this is the world that will very much be a huge part of their future.

But to lean into all the good that can come from screen time, it's booting any guilt, shame or counting hours that we're on our devices. That and of course, making sure we have trusty internet (and the good stuff! The fast stuff!) in our home.


Image: Supplied.

This is where the new Optus Ultra WiFi Modem comes in. It's powered by the latest WiFi 6 technology, meaning we get seriously fast next-gen WiFi speeds (up to 150 per cent faster than their previous modem, wildly) – making it their most advanced modem yet. 


We can count on it being ultra-reliable and secure too, and can happily handle all of the traffic and activity we use our internet for in every corner of our house... all at the same time (the streaming, the WFH video calling, the video editing...). 

The latest WiFi 6 technology also means stronger coverage in all areas of our place (because recording songs needs silence). And none of my daughter's creations are lost (sweet relief for her!), as it also has automatic backup on the Optus 4G network, if the NBN connection ever falters.  

For gamers (Mario Kart for me, Minecraft for my daughters), the new next-gen modem is where it’s at, as it's fast and reliable perfect for any gaming set-up. Every gamer will tell you that lag while you're playing is the biggest hinderance to gaming.  

And personally, as an avid movie watcher slash TV binger (and a mother of another), Netflix being included in all Optus’s family internet plans is definitely a bonus! Because who wouldn’t want to recreate that iconic Wednesday dance scene with Barbies?

Explore how to enjoy seriously fast and reliable WiFi, plus uninterrupted streaming, on Optus home internet with their new Ultra WiFi Modem.

Modem speeds based on comparison with Optus Ultra WiFi (Gen 1) modem. Actual speeds may vary and are limited by the nbn plan speed.

Feature Image: Supplied.

Great things in life come from having better home internet. With Optus, enjoy seriously fast WiFi, amazing content with Netflix included on select plans and access to the Optus Living Network. Get more choice with Optus Home Internet. The home of better internet. It starts with yes.