When my son was nearing two, I knew I was ready to have another baby. A thought which a mere few months earlier had sent shivers down my spine.
There’s this nice age between 18 months and two where they’re really discovering the world. They’ve started talking (not talking back), and they become real people with personalities and quirks. The logistics become a bit easier, they’re on one nap, they have less bottles/less feeds, and they can eat a wider variety of foods so it’s not the end of the world if you haven’t packed them a perfectly curated bento box.
I found going from no children to one child pretty difficult. It was a huge adjustment. I have been working since I was 14 and I really love my job. On top of that, I am an extrovert and I struggled with the monotony of being home alone all day with no one to talk to. And don’t even get me started on the sleep deprivation.
I wondered if it would be different this time around. There are adjustments, of course, but is going from one to two children really that much different?
Watch: The horoscopes as new mums. Post continues after video.
Now that I’m four months in, here’s what I’ve learnt about going from one to two children.