
"The best lip treatment you'll ever find isn't even intended for your lips."

In the quest to find something to take care of my dry winter lips, I paid a quick visit to Google. People were raving about a particular cracked lip remedy.

But it wasn’t your average lip balm, it was something that totally floored me: nipple cream.

Yes, the very same soothing, healing treatment used by cracked-nippled mummas everywhere is actually also a fantastic lip treatment. Who knew?

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While I was sceptical, I decided to give it a go.

Pregnant Jacqui decided to give nipple cream on her lips a go.


Firstly, most formulas are 100 per cent medical-grade lanolin, the same ingredient used in many high end (read: exxy) lip treatments.

There are no preservatives or nasties and it's proven to assist in healing of cracks (nipples, lips, whatever) and it's safe to use around your mouth (you don't need to remove it when feeding bub, but consult your GP to before using this to be safe).

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Because it's purified using a refining process to reduce environmental impurities and allergens, it's great for those with sensitivities. (Post continues after gallery.)

Back when I was breastfeeding my sons I remember a midwife recommended Lansinoh cream for sore, cracked nipples so I went with that one.

At $9.50 I figured I didn't have much to lose. Plus, with a new bub due in three months I figured if it didn't work for my lips, I'd soon require some for the intended purpose anyway. There are many brands out there to choose from and they're all fairly affordable.


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When I first applied the cream to my lips, I thought, 'no way, it's weird and white and makes me look ghostly'.

I did find it highly moisturising but decided it was the kind of overnight product I could slap on before bed and not worry about how it looked.

Pucker up!


The next morning my lips felt better than they had in weeks. Really soft and nourished. I decided to apply a bit more given that I was just hanging out at home and discovered that was just a little bit of solidified product at the end of the tube which had given me the white 'I just ate a tub of craft paste" look.

The product that came out afterwards was clear and totally usable. I'm so glad I gave it another try because holy-moly, it's here ladies: THE ULTIMATE winter lip treatment for dry, sore puckers.

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Not only did I find nipple cream to give great hydration and immediately ease the discomfort of dehydration but it also gave me a very nice, natural shine.

Lansinoh: loved by mums everywhere. Image: Supplied


I'm not one for lipstick during the day, and I generally hate a lot of tinted products. For me, it's either a bright red or pink, or nothing. This was the most perfect daytime lip.

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So in summary, if you're looking for something that actually works for sore, dry lips, you my friend, might need to walk yourself from the lip balm aisle and over to babies section instead.

I found this to work way better than anything I've tried before. Now I just hope no one sees me apply it while I'm out and about.

Have you tried nipple cream on your lips?

While Jacqui had a great experience with nipple cream on her lips, consult your health professional before you try it.