
Hanging out with your mum will make her live longer. Science says so.

You need to starting upping the number of times you hang out with you mum, immediately.

Not just because it’s a nice thing to do – but because it will make her live longer. Science says so.

You see, we all know loneliness sucks, but it can especially affect older people. Your parents love you and while we’re sure they’re very happy you’re out there living your best life, they would love it even more if you took an hour or two out of your week to check in with them.

Things mums never say. Mums will be able to relate.

Video by MMC

Research from the University of California, San Francisco confirms this.

A 2012 study involving 1602 participants all 60 or over, “lonely subjects” were associated with a 22.8 per cent increased risk of death.

Defining loneliness as “the subjective feeling of isolation, not belonging, or lacking companionship,” researchers found a clear link between “psychosocial distress” and “adverse health outcomes,” and saw it as a major predictor of “functional decline,” like a decrease in mobility, stair climbing and a reduced ability in performing the activities associated with daily living.

Obviously, this isn’t just a thing that affects older people either. According to a 2016 survey by Lifeline, eight out of ten Australians believe our society is becoming a lonelier place despite our increase in technological connection.

So with all of this in mind, check in on your loved ones – your mum, dad, friends, siblings and relatives – and share a conversation or coffee. It could just make their day.

How often do you ‘hang out’ with your mum? Do you agree with the research? Tell us your thoughts in a comment below.