A miscarriage is possibly the most emotionally complicated and fraught experience a woman can endure. An exciting planned future becomes a nightmare and the suffering, I assume, lasts a lifetime.
My husband and I met when we were both 16 years old. From such a young age we were in love and knew exactly how we wanted our lives to eventuate; this year we will be marking 11 wonderful years together. Our love has been described by many as a fairy tale, with each day lived in love. Like many I am extremely maternal and have always dreamt about becoming a mum. I am lucky enough to work with children everyday as a preschool teacher and my love for them is immeasurable.
So why did we decide to keep this a secret from our family and friends? I guess we felt the need to protect those around us. To share only happy news and not our heartache. One secret unfortunately became two secrets and with an imminent third, enough was enough.
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I dont know how anyone could think god exists if there are kind and loving married couples trying for kids and suffering through dozens of miscarriages. i know god doesnt exist cause if he did, shit like this would not happen to good people.
I had 9 miscarriages in 3 years. When I finally fell pregnant with my daughter I was fearful every day for 37.4 weeks until I was induced and she finally arrived. Then 3 years and another 2 miscarriages later I fell pregnant with my son (he was a twin but his twin stopped growing around 12 weeks) Again I was fearful for each of those 36.4 weeks until he arrived. My OB was amazing and I had ultrasounds in her rooms once a week to help keep my mind at ease. They r 2 amazing little people and they will grow up knowing about all their siblings that never made it. I had d&c's for all 11, ended up in Intensive Care twice with retained product which became infected and caused me blood poisoning.
It is so so hard, and I still think about it every day. I feel for you, I am so sorry for your losses