Getting to work before I had a child used to feel like a slog. I would snooze on the alarm clock a few times, drag myself into a long hot shower, make a coffee, drink it hot, then head off to the office around 8.30am.
Now that I have a three year old I chuckle at my pre-kid self. Oh how I laugh! She really had no idea.
These days my alarm clock is a toddler by the side of my bed screaming for PJ Masks before the sun is even up, my coffee is cold (and only half drunk) and getting into the car let alone to the office feels like running the gauntlet on Gladiator. Long shower?! Never met her.
Thinking about it, there’s definitely a bunch of things no one tells you about the morning chaos until you’ve had kids.
They don't want their breakfast… even though they asked for it.
My son is obsessed with Nutri-Grain. OBSESSED. He begs for it while he dances around the kitchen (pre-6am most mornings), and because I’m still foggy pre-my instant coffee caffeine hit, I usually give in, pouring him a bowl and topping it with milk.
I serve it to him, like a mini king in his highchair like a throne, at which point he has an Oscar-worthy meltdown because I gave him Nutri-Grain. That he asked for. Because now he wants Weet-Bix.
And on days it’s not the cereal argument it’s Vegemite toast because he really wanted peanut butter, but I'm not telepathic. Repeat every morning until the end of time.
Getting them dressed is like trying to catch a slippery salmon.
After breakfast (complete with a wipe down of the wall which generally wears most of the milk), it’s time to get dressed.
Ever seen a bear trying to pounce on a salmon while it’s leaping upstream, all slippery and fast and elusive? I’m the bear, only I’m carrying undies and a top and pants and a jumper and my tiny naked child is faster than anything John West has ever caught.