There are some days at Mamamia that are just like some people imagine. Film crews. Trying on clothes. Putting on make-up. Crazy chaos. The vast majority of days are not like this. They are more like any other workplace. Group emails about the kitchen being a pigsty. Couriers coming and going. Trips to get mail and coffee and sandwiches. Bitching about the internet being slow or the printer being broken AGAIN.
But on Monday this week, it was perhaps the trippiest day we’ve ever had at Mamamia. We launched our shopping site and A Current Affair came to do a story on it. Which meant we called in every available Mamamia staff member and intern as well as Mia’s children and their friends to model clothes, shoes, bags and accessories that are being sold here on
And Harry, the office dog-mascot was thrown into the mix because hell, why not.
It was all hands on deck. Ring-leader of the circus was Mamamia Shopping editor, the unflappable Jasmine Garnsworthy who had worked tirelessly along with our tech and shopping team for weeks to get the site up and ready.
As Jasmine directed traffic, putting outfits together and making sure we were accurately reflecting Mamamia Shopping’s mantra: ALL SIZES, ALL PRICES, ALL AGES, there were some hilarious moments.
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The NSW government is cutting funding for TAFE fine arts courses. These courses are the mainstay for women, particularly women seeking a change in direction after years in the workforce or motherhood duties.TAFE fine arts courses are ideal for women, offering learning with caring and companionship. Graduates are inspired, mentally healthy, and eager to seek employment, whether in a formal setting or just setting up a market stall to earn a few extra bob.
Regardless of the costs and resources, men's rugby fields and cricket nets are always maintained. The arts are just as important. Ladies, we cannot let the TAFE fine arts courses be diminished. Please sign our petitions and write to your local MP.
For more information, please see And if you're on Facebook, friend the campaign at
Mia I saw you on the today show the other morning and you had the most gorgeous boots. Are they sold on your shopping site?