

Sometimes, this website has a life of its own. For instance. Somehow, at some stage, somewhere, a bunch of regular mamamia readers decided they'd like to get together IN REAL LIFE. This idea then went on to become a possible Christmas party before being brought forward tentatively to September.
Amanda (bugmum) and Tara seem to be the pivotal organising forces and there's even a website that Amanda has created . Last night, Amanda and I had a chat while simultaneously breastfeeding our babies on either end of the phone (I'm sure there's a name for that, or a porn site or something)….

I'm not good with events but this isn't actually about me. It's about the community of this website getting together for a drink, as organised by said community.  But before they proceed further,  they asked me to post this:

Dear Mia

As you know, a few weeks ago one of MamaMia Twitterati (as we twitter addicts like to think of ourselves) had the bright idea of a party where we could put names to faces of those in our little community. Well, things have snowballed, and we’ve made initial plans for a late September cocktail event in Sydney. Think fabby frocks (though the boys can wear pants if they really want to) and sparkling conversation.

What we’d like to know, before we hand over our hard-earned cash for a venue deposit, is how many people would come along. We’re looking at around the $80pp mark for cocktails, beer and wine; canapés; and great company (with you as guest of honour, of course!)

We’d be really grateful if MMers could respond (either as a comment or to me on twitter @bugmum) or leave a comment here with either a ‘Hell, yes’, ‘Hmmm…maybe’, or ‘Think I’ll give it a miss’ so that we have a better idea of interest.  We’d also welcome any comments on the proposed event.


Amanda (bugmum)
