
Barack Obama has met another Australian Prime Minister.


The rapid turnover of political leaders in this country makes it undeniably difficult to keep track of who is in charge.

So much so, that some paramedics have actually stopped asking ‘who is the Prime Minister?’ as a way to gauge levels of consciousness in their patients.

If the average Aussie can’t be expected to remember the name of the PM, how the bloody hell does the rest of the world do it?

Take Barack Obama, for example.

During his presidency, he has met all FOUR of our recent prime ministers and seemingly managed to develop a rapport with each.

Here he is meeting Malcolm Turnbull for the first time at the APEC summit yesterday:

You said your name was Malcolm, right? Image: Facebook.

The pair discussed counter-terrorism and security, following the recent bombings in Paris and Lebanon, as well as bilateral trade.

Obama also extended an invitation to the Prime Minister to visit Washington in the next couple of months, saying he was unsurprised by an excellent meeting, given how well Aussies and Americans tend to get along.

“We are incredibly grateful for their friendship and their partnership,” he told the press.

“It’s one that extends regardless of party and whoever is occupying the respective seats.”

Indeed, here is Tony Abbott occupying the seat opposite Obama at the G20 Summit last year:

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Look, I have to admit Barack, this ‘global warming’ thing sounds a bit far fetched to me. Image: Getty.

The pair clashed over their different approaches to tackling climate change (i.e. Obama has an approach to tackling climate change), which is a bit sad because things seemed to be off to a good start when Abbott gifted the president a custom made surfboard a year earlier.

On the other hand, Obama and Gillard got along famously while she was in office and Jules recently fronted a panel with first lady Michelle to discuss their shared commitment to women’s education.

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Mates. Image: Getty

And, ah, he also met Kevin Rudd several times, here they are in the White House in 2009.

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Also mates. Image: Getty

Honestly, I don’t know how Obama does it, our leaders should start wearing name tags.
