
Libby Trickett's top 5 health and fitness tips

When you think of Australia’s sporting champions, you can’t stop swimmer Libby Trickett’s grinning face from popping into your mind.

Three-time Olympian, multiple gold medallist, world record holder – Libby’s got some incredible titles to her name from her career in the pool. It’s hard to believe she only emerged on the swimming scene in 2003, back when we knew her as Libby Lenton.

With her formidable freestyle and butterfly stroke, teamed with her positive attitude and that infectious smile, Libby is something of a national treasure. So we were more than a little excited when she decided to share her favourite health and fitness tips with us.

They mightn’t help us achieve gold medal-standard swimming skills, but hey, it’s worth a try…


Will you be trying any of these  tips soon?