Spearheaded most famously by Winona Ryder, the blonde pixie cut is the haircut thousands of brave women got in the ’90s –
and many regretted almost instantly.
It was super short and textured, the kind of drastic haircut you went for when you wanted a major change, like after having your heart broken, getting a new job or having a baby – all terrible times to get a drastic haircut, frankly.
On Winona, Madonna, Gwyneth, Natalie Imbruglia and Sharon Stone it looked cool and effortless. For the rest of us, it didn’t always translate but for a moment there – before understanding how hellish it would be to grow it out – it felt fresh and fun and Very Winona.
Top Comments
Yes, I briefly had almost that short hair in the early 90 s. Am growing it out for a function early next year, but can't wait to cut it. Not that short though.
I love love love the pixie cut. Unfortunately I have masses of half frizzy half curly hair so this style will never work for me. But I'm always envious of a lady rocking a pixie.