Recently, I chatted with another mum who was super stressed about her daughter's first birthday party. She couldn't figure out the theme, kept changing her mind about the invitations, and complained about the cost of party favours. She continued for a full five minutes about this elaborate party.
I don't like to give unsolicited advice to parents because I hate it when others do it to me. I knew she probably just wanted me to listen but I couldn't relate to why she was stressing herself out over something her daughter won't even remember.
So I looked at her and said, "How about not doing any of that?"
She gasped and chuckled, assuming I was being snarky by making an absurd joke. Then she shook her head and kept stressing. I resumed listening and nodding.
While you're here, watch the things people never say at kids' parties. Story continues after video.
For both my kids, I did nothing crazy for their birthday parties. Until they start school, they need little to have a good time. When they were babies, they slept throughout the party and got passed around from one family member to another. As toddlers, they wandered around touching things.
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