Most of our children are destined for careers that currently do not exist. The child of today will tomorrow have 40 different jobs across 10 career paths and will live in a faster-paced, online, technology-led global world.
How can we prepare them for the ride ahead? What skills would they need in an uncertain future? How will they keep pace with rapid change?
With computers likely to replace humans across a range of jobs and sectors, it has become increasingly obvious in recent years that we cannot limit our children’s education to the academic realm. High achievement in subjects like mathematics and science will not guarantee the same career opportunities it once did.
Instead, they will need universal, timeless skills. Talents and tendencies that promote flexibility, adaptiveness and problem-solving are more likely to stand them in good career stead.
They need to learn resilience and effective communication.
Parents recognise the education system doesn’t give their kids everything they need. This fact is the reason the in-school Club Kidpreneur program has been so successful over the past seven years.
Allowing children to tap into their own imagination and creativity to come up with an entrepreneurial idea and develop a business is one of the most powerful ways we can learn life skills like initiative and resourcefulness.
We also learn the vital lesson of failure. By failing, we develop resilience. We learn how to get up and try again and that is one of the most fundamental skills for a successful life.