
A 17-year-old Australian girl has just bumped Kendall Jenner as the face of Balmain.


Imagine your daughter, sister, or best friend telling you she was going to leave Year 12 and pursue a career in modelling.

I would probably fall off my chair.

I would do everything to keep them at school because a) it’s super safe and b) I hate risks.

It’s very lucky that 17-year-old Aleyna Fitzgerald and I had never crossed paths because I would have probably talked her out of becoming an international supermodel.

Recently crowned as Australian’s Next Top Model, Fitzgerald has continued her upward climb of the industry now being named as the face of international fashion brand, Balmain

I’m no fashion expert but this is a Big Deal. With capitals.


Balmain famously gave supermodel, Kendall Jenner, her break into the industry, but has now been replaced by Fitzgerald at the helm.

Scroll through to see some stunning pictures from Aleyna Fitzgerald. Images via Instagram. (Post continues after gallery.)

Speaking to Confidential, Fitzgerald said she was shocked by the decision.

“As you can imagine, it was an incredible honour. It all happened super-quickly too so it was also a surprise,” she said.

It was only 12 months ago that she was still in school and working as a receptionist at a construction company, according to the Daily Telegraph.

“One year on, I have been working over in Paris and New York,” she said. “My life is so different from what it was.

“It was scary to go from a TV show into the real modelling world.”

So darn lucky she didn’t chat to me, first. *fist pump*

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