There’s no counting the number of times I’ve gone to bed, ready for the day ahead only to wake up ahead of my alarm the next morning with a headache. They usually start behind my right temple as a dull ache around 4-5am and by the time the alarm goes off, the headache has crept across my forehead and turned into a migraine. I dread these days.
I started getting migraines when I was a teen. I’d spend hours in a quiet, dark room missing out on whatever plans I had that day (not appreciating the lack of obligations teen-life involved). Magically, I had very few in my 20s but then into my 30s the migraines returned with vengeance. I even had one on my wedding day.
Now that I’m a parent, living with migraines is approximately 10000x more challenging.
Managing an invisible illness at work and at home is exhausting. On migraine days, it’s impossible to enjoy my kids or feel motivated about anything. Everything, even getting breakfast on the table is a slow struggle. Daily life as a working mum comes with enough disruptions and detours, I can’t have migraines on that list!