
Simple ways to get your child interested in school, from someone who dropped out.

An American researcher has shared his top tips for easing the “back to school blues”.

Bestselling author and behaviour specialist, Dr John Demartini, hated school – and decided to quit at just 14 after being regarded as “an illiterate no-hoper” because of his physical deformities and dyslexia.

But the now-successful author has shared his tips on getting children interested in school.

We all know the feeling of returning to reality after a long break. Image via iStock.

He argues that every child "loves to learn" but they need to find what inspires them.

“If your child cannot see how the classes they are taking in their school, or how the children at their school, are helping them fulfil what is most important and meaningful to them, they will resist going to school and attending their classes,” Dr Demartini says.

His advice for any parent with a struggling student is firstly to let go of perfection.


1. "Reject the fantasy of perfection."

“If you live within a fantasy world where everything is supposed to be happy, easy, peaceful, safe and agreeable, you are vulnerable to major let down when your fantasy is broken by the reality of life,” he says.

2. "Empower your child against bullies."

Dr Demartini says if your child has a bully, they could help highlight where they need help.

"If you've got a bully in your life and he's pushing you around, it's partly because you're not guiding or governing your own life.

"You're not empowered in that area. Once you empower that area, the bully disappears.

"If you don't empower yourself, the bully just keeps coming in to toughen you up, to make you stronger, so you empower that area. That bully is your hero because he is actually helping you empower yourself," he says.

Another way to support a child who may be avoiding school is to try and understand what they think is important.

3. "Acknowledge and work with your child’s values."

“Learn your child’s highest values and discuss with them how school assists in fulfilling those vital needs,” says Dr Demartini.

He says the key is to ask a lot of questions about what they think of the world.

4. "Balance challenge with support."

Finally, Dr Demartini believes all of us need to find a good balance when we are stretching ourselves.

“Everyone needs a balance of support and challenge to help them maximally grow."

What tips would you give to parents of school kids?