"You empty the dishwasher every day?" he asks me skeptically. "Why are there so many dishes?"
My husband had been unemployed by choice for four days when this question and several similar ones started coming up. Until this point, I was the work-from-home default parent while he went into an office every day.
He left during breakfast and came home before dinner. In January, my husband left his job to take some time off and find a new one, a good move for both him and our family.
Watch: Classic dad phrases. Post continues below.
I was excited to have him around more. I’m overwhelmed most days with child drop offs, pick-ups, lunch making, dinner making, laundry, tidying and oh, my full-time job and any semblance of self care I’m brave enough to attempt.
Support around the house was welcome. In addition, the idea of an audience to my daily juggle and grind was appealing. I braced myself for the appreciation and admiration I was sure was coming.
Now before I go too far down the gender role rabbit hole, I should make clear that my husband and I have a decent partnership when it comes to household tasks and looking after our two children. He manages a lot of "capital" projects – car stuff, mortgage payments, investments, landscaping, home renovations. He also cooks beautiful meals when we’re having friends for dinner.