
'He faked falling asleep.' 20 women share their most horrific dating stories.

Ever had a bad date? Don't worry, you're not alone. 

In all honesty, you'd actually be strange if you didn't have a single bad experience from dating. 

Understandably though, it can be hard to talk about the time you embarrassed the f**k out of yourself, were rejected, or simply witnessed an almost indescribable event firsthand. 

In fact, we understand all too well. 

Watch: Dating... Translated. Story continues after video.

Video via Mamamia

To prove it, we reached out to our Mamamia community to talk about their horrible (but very funny) dates.

Below, 20 women share the details behind their most horrifying dates. 

"A pigeon flew into our table and then died."

"I had a bush turkey jump out of a tree and land on my head."

"I was dating someone... Bit of a house party situation, and I tripped down the stairs. And I watched him get the ick about me. In real-time."

"I went to kiss him. He rejected me. Across the street and above our heads were two girls sitting on a balcony hooting and hollering at us. The worst part is it took 15 minutes for my Uber to come so while I sat on the curb looking at my feet and trying not to cry, they stayed there on that stupid balcony with me the entire time. To torture or comfort me? I'm still not sure. It was mortifying."


"He is a cat lover like me. Went on a spiel for about 15 minutes about why I am a horrible cat owner and don't deserve a pet. I genuinely didn't know free-feeding was so controversial."

"We were in line at a busy pub to order food and he turned to me and asked very loudly, 'Are you paying for yourself?' Then he started telling me (and everyone else that could hear) he could barely afford to come out tonight so he definitely cannot afford to pay for both of us. The bartender gave me the saddest smile I'd ever seen. I shudder to tell this story."

"I turned up at the wrong restaurant. There are two in Sydney. He specified which one. I didn’t pay attention to the message. He was clearly a bit pissed about it, which is fair enough. When I told him I was at the wrong one he thought I was joking."

Read more: 'After 50 terrible first dates, I started screening men before meeting them in real life.'

"I fell down a very steep, long and public flight of stairs. My whole bag emptied from top to bottom of the stairs, including a few very embarrassing items. I never saw him again and sprained my wrist and ankle."

"I don't want to explain the details but somehow, in some way, my toes ended up in his mouth. It wasn't sexual. It just happened. It was a complete accident."


"He spoke about horses for one hour, which is too many hours."

"When I was still living with my mum and dad, a guy came over to watch a movie but he fell asleep on my couch within minutes of getting there, and I couldn’t wake him up. So I gave up and went to bed in my room. And the next morning, my mum and dad came into the lounge room to find a random man sleeping on their couch."

"She told me her dad had committed a hate crime."

"It was already awkward AF and we were not at all compatible, then he ordered a cocktail that came with a rubber ducky floating on top, we did really awkward 'cheers' and I went in too strong and it spilt all over his lap. And not in a clumsy, funny way. Like we were not vibing at all. So he was just upset about his pants."

"A guy pulled up the link to his latest SoundCloud mix, held it to my ear for the full seven minutes and made me listen while he watched my visual reaction closely."

"It was a beautiful summer day, and we were walking along St Kilda Beach. We walked past an overflowing bin with a small cup of ice cream sitting on top with a spoon. He picked up the cup of ice cream and started eating it. He then offered me some. I rejected the bin ice cream. Probably why I'm still single."

Listen to The Undone, a Mamamia podcast hosted by Emily Vernem and Lucy Neville. Story continues after audio.


"We got to dinner and he talked about himself the entire time. If I talked about myself at all, he would fake falling asleep at the dinner table and snore. This happened every time I tried to say something. Once I would stop trying to talk, he would 'wake up' and go back to talking. There was no second date."

"It was our second or third date at this stage - and our last lol - and we were cooking dinner at my apartment. I have a huge metal salad bowl that was upside down on my dish drying rack, I lifted it and spun it so it was facing upwards - the spin was to make me seem really cool - and it was still a bit wet so it actually slipped out of my hands and the edge of the bowl hit my in the face and busted my upper lip open. I still have a scar."

"He put a pillow over my face while I was talking and just left it there, rolled over and went to sleep."

"We were doing some variation of 'the deed' when he asked if I was done with my chicken nuggets. I told him yes so he just started eating them. To be fair, we were drunk. I guess."

"He was driving me home and said near the end of the car trip, 'You probably won't want to see me again'. I didn't judge how far I was away from home correctly because, with 12 minutes left of the trip, I said, 'Yeah I don't think so.' What followed was the most awkward 12 minutes of my life."

Feature Image: NBC / Friends.