Harley Breen is a stand-up comedian, radio host and dad of two young’uns. We asked him to tell us how he prepared for dad life, which to be honest, is near impossible. Over to you, Harley.
I’ve been asked to write about a man’s journey into fatherhood from my perspective, like I know anything about it. So here you go.
A man’s journey into fatherhood should start with a boy’s journey into manhood. But that’s a much bigger subject. Maybe give it a bit of consideration though. Are you a man? If you’re still a boy maybe hold off on making a baby just yet. Raising kids is the work of adult women and men. Not boys and girls. Sometimes it’s just one woman, sometimes there’s two of ’em. Sometimes it’s a man and a man.
The point is, if it takes a village to raise a child then the humans in charge of the village should be fully grown adults with a modicum of introspective reflection and emotional maturity.
Most men I would assume don’t do much thinking or talking about becoming a father at all. In fact I’d suggest there’s a large amount of men that pretty much go “oh, sweet I’m doing roots… oh bugger me, I’m having a kid”.
Here’s a list I should have given some/more consideration to before both my children came crashing into my life.
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