I turn 40 this year. Yep, 40. I am starkly reminded of this every time I start a sentence with "Well, when I was your age…" or "Back when I was at school…"
To be honest, I don’t feel a day over 38 but just like one of thousands of websites said I would, I have started to reflect.
I think about days gone by and where I’m now at, and as a product of the ‘90s, looking back isn’t just cathartic but it’s also a stark reminder of just how awesome it was to grow up back when things were simpler.
Gone are the days of putting on a cassette or a CD, and listening to a whole album from start to finish without interruption from ads or being told that I can’t listen because my Spotify account is being used on another device.
Then there was the time that my 12-year-old daughter Summer carried on like a second-hand lawnmower because we had a blackout for literally 33 seconds and the WiFi dropped out. Her brain was already calculating how long the power would take to reset and the box would take to reboot her lifelines.
She knows nothing about patience.