Game of Thrones has gone rogue and I have absolutely no complaints.
Maybe the storyline got a little shaky there (you’re srsly going to catch a white walker just to prove to Cersei that they exist. That seems… extreme).
Maybe everyone semi-forgot about the construct of time/geography/the logistics of travel (that’s fine [that’s absolutely not fine]).
Maybe there were one too many fan theories about Bran being the Night King and Cersei not really being pregnant that pushed me over the edge and made me question whether everything I’ve ever known was really a lie.
But now we have a goddamn WHITE WALKER ZOMBIE ICE BREATHING NIGHT-KING-CARRYING DRAGON and nothing will ever be the same again.
There are three things we need to talk about that just went down in Beyond the Wall.
Arya is threatening Sansa... with her faces.
For almost two seasons, all I've been able to deduce from Arya's plot line is that it has something to do with ~the faces~. Now, she's being weird and carrying them in a handbag to scare her big sister with, which is rude.
Arya and Sansa have a big fight about the fact that Sansa almost married Joffrey (ew) and swore allegiance to the Lannisters (awks), dismissing her father as a traitor. Arya's all like, 'why didn't you save our dad?' and Sansa's like, 'wait, why didn't you?' and no one could have bloody saved Ned Stark because that is the nature of violence/power/Game of Thrones.
Listen: The Binge deep dives into this week's epic episode of Game of Thrones. Post continues after audio.
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Viserion is the name of the dragon.
For a minute I thought Tormund was a goner, thankfully he survived so he and Brienne can make enormous babies together. Cannot wait for next week - but the whole year (minimum!) wait for the final season is going to be hell!