What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
Their smile?
Their eyes?
The way they walk?
How their pleated rose gold skirt swishes?
For me it has become eyebrows.
Or as the French say, les sourcils — because it sounds better if I’m talking about les sourcils.
But here I go. Apologies in advance.
In real life, online and on any screen I can get my hands on I can't shake the distinct feeling that so many women have the same eyebrows.
So sculpted. So defined, with edges so sharp you could build a house - that's just silly, a townhouse - on them. So perfectly arched. So tattooed. So hairless. So... so... exact.
It's like everyone has the same set of cartoon eyebrows and they have just stencilled them on with brown Niko pen.
Top Comments
45 minutes to do eyebrows? Who actually has time for that? This stuff is getting out of hand, it takes me 20 min to do my makeup from start to finish, and that's a full face of makeup with foundation primer.
One of my online friends has had a whole physical makeoever and now wears a blonde wig, has huge ultra white teeth and now tattooed on eyebrows. She is as happy as it gets (or as happy as I can tell from across the other side of the world and over FB), but she looks, in my humble opinion, utterly ree-dic-u-lous. That eyebrows are simply hideous.