You know those people who say they just ‘don’t get hungry in the morning’ or ‘forget to eat breakfast’?
Yeah, can’t relate.
I love breakfast. Whether it’s porridge, toast, muesli, pancakes or even a random concoction of whatever leftovers are in the fridge, there is something about it that just makes my soul happy.
Plus, as we all know, it’s the most important meal of the day.
Or is it?
Speaking of diets… Brigid Delaney tried the 101 Day Detox Diet so you don’t have to. Post continues after video.
Recently, the wellness world has begun ditching breakfast in the name of health. They call it ‘intermittent fasting’ or ‘IF’ and claim it can promote weight loss, decrease inflammation, increase mental sharpness, improve digestion, and magically transform you into a glowing goddess.
Okay I made that last one up, but the alleged benefits did entice me, and I decided to give it a try.
How does intermittent fasting work?
Essentially, IF involves fasting and non-fasting periods. Proponents of intermittent fasting claim it’s not a diet; it is a ‘way of living’.
Top Comments
I would LOVE to see one of these articles whereby the author actually did a bit of research beforehand and went into the diet with a positive frame of mind. Of course this didn't work, the author put absolutely no thought or preparation into any of it and was skeptical from the get go.
Most of these diets, be it keto or IF or low carb or paleo do work absolutely fine if you employ just even the smallest amount of effort and forward planning. You can't just jump into a brand new way of eating without having done anything, anything at all, to figure out what you're going to do and how you're going to achieve it.
Maybe do some proper research and plan better next time you want to 'review' a diet. I also can't go without breakfast but IF works brilliantly for me because I eat a big breakfast and fit my meals between 7am-3pm. The point of IF is to give your digestive system a break. As your digestion slows down overnight a big meal at the end of the day is never a good idea and even less on IF. It should be done in conjunction with a healthy balanced diet - not huge plates of pancakes and trying to shove all your daily calories in at once. Eating mostly wholefoods helps your disgestion and blood sugar to level out.
I have more energy and feel heaps better with IF, I've also lost weight by listening to my body and only eating the amount I need during the hours I can eat. I also chuck it out the window if I'm catching up with friends for dinner or having a bad day.
Like any change to your eating habits, you need a clear reason, a good plan, good research and flexibility. It won't work for everyone but there are alot of benfits to IF if done well.
Yes, the lack of research or any clearly stated goal stood out to me from the beginning and made me think, this will not end well. It sounded like she had already decided IF was "just another diet" before she even began. When you go into something with that attitude it simply becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Zero surprises she failed.