My first proper bed was made with milk crates. Yes, milk crates. My dad was a milkman so we had a lot of them around. They had four kids and money was tight. I’d slept in a cot until the age of six. It was a big cot, but a cot none the less. I fell out of it one night trying to climb out to use the bathroom, which was when my new bed was created – a single bed mattress propped up on milk crates.
It was actually quite comfortable. As long as I didn’t sit down on it too quickly or roll around on it too much during the night, the milk crates would stay in place. We had slippery concrete floors so the milk crates would slide around constantly.
My bed situation improved substantially as I got older but I’ve never owned an incredible bed. I’ve slept in incredible beds a couple of times during stays in incredible hotels with amazing king-size beds that I seriously considered packing up and living in.