No one commits adultery without first being able to justify their reasons for doing so. The problem with such justifications is they are falsehoods, a way of engaging in bad behaviour without having to think about the consequences of the adultery to others.
The adulterer lives in a mythical, storybook world. The realities of their actions are far different than the “reality” they create to justify the adultery.
Adultery Causes Emotional Pain
Myth 1.
Top Comments
Women cheat as much as men. This should have read a little more gender neutral, for women who are having an affair to understand what they are doing to their partners.
I think monogamy is tricky - many marriages actually do survive infidelity and go on to be stronger, it's not necessarily a zero sum game. It's a lot to expect someone to be monogamous for 60-odd years, particularly when one partner (male OR female) can make a unilateral decision that they are no longer interested in intimacy or sex.