“Hi Mrs. Morley? I have Jack here with me up at the school office.”
Of course I immediately go into panic mode, or with this kid, roll my eyes mode. What is it this time I silently wonder, another monkey bar collision? Concussion? WHAT? just tell me so we can get this show on the road.
“Is he okay?” I tentatively ask.
“Oh yeah, he’s fine, it’s just that there isn’t actually any school today. Or all of this week in fact…”
And that there is just one example of one of my many fails as a mother. Look, I try okay? It’s not like I don’t give this parenting thing a red-hot go but sometimes I fail. And I fail hard. I don’t pretend to be a perfect Mum but try as I might; there are certain things (often let’s face it, natural instinctual things) that just elude me.
Plus, if I’m totally honest, I never read all those bloody emails from school because they never…seem…to…end. For example: Just for your information, little Johnny has a stone and leaf-collecting lesson on Friday at 2:15. OKAY, that’s great but I’ve got lots of sh*t to do, so PLEASE, please just fill me on the important stuff that I, as a mother, need to be on top of.