The first six months with a new baby in the house are a testing time for any parent, as sleep deprivation takes its toll.
If you’re trying to settle your baby into a good sleep routine it can be so overwhelming as there is so much conflicting information.
So, let’s go through the fundamental things you need to know first, and then we’ll see how three different mums handled their babies’ sleep cycles in practise.
How much sleep do babies need?
According to Pregnancy Birth & Baby, “children grow and develop rapidly, so it’s important they get enough sleep to give them the energy they need for active play and good health”.
All babies are different, but on the whole you can expect your little bundle to sleep each day within these time frames (per 24-hour period):
- Newborn to three months: Anywhere from eight to 18 hours
- Three months to six months: Approximately 14-15 hours
- Six months to 12 months: Approximately 13 hours, with 11 of those hours at night.
What should baby wear to bed?
For many babies, getting tucked into their wrap or safe sleeping bag is a sign that bedtime is imminent.
According to Red Nose Australia, research supports the use of a sleeping bag as they can:
• reduce the risk of bedclothes covering baby’s face
• delay baby rolling onto their tummy
• promote back sleeping when the zip is on the front, and
• keep the baby’s temperature more constant as they sleep.
The Bonds Wondercool range has baby suits and sleeping bags made with adaptive cooling fabric, and they’re the only baby clothing approved by Red Nose for safer sleep.
Getting baby into a sleep pattern: Three different families.
All babies are different, and you need to do what works best for your family.
No matter what your friend, neighbour, sister or celebrity is saying about their baby’s sleeping habits – you know your baby best. You need to find the sleeping routine that works best for you and that you’re comfortable with.