Of all the genes I wanted to pass on to my daughter, my sensitive skin wasn’t one of them. But she got it.
Luckily, I’m not talking about any type of skin condition or anything medical.
Just ridiculously, annoyingly, over-sensitive skin. The kind where I still, at 34, get pimples, or where heat rashes are just a part of summer, or when my skin feels slightly annoyed from absolutely anything, it goes bright red.
I’m sure I’m not alone. I’m sure all the above happens to many families. It’s just that I was hoping I wasn’t going to burden my daughter with the same. I was hoping that her skin would be a little tougher to the elements than mine.
When she was really little, like cute-chubby-cheek little, she would get rashes from the baby drool. She would easily get summer heat rashes despite being dressed in light clothing and being kept cool. Today, she regularly gets little pimples from teething drool, or when I haven’t been a good mum and washed her bedding regularly.