Just as there will always be people wanting to save the lives of their camp’s chickens, so too, there will always be at least one Survivor player that goes too hard, too fast with far too much confidence.
Which is where A.K, a 29-year-old wedding DJ and self-confessed Survivor super fan from Adelaide comes in.
“I’m here to play Survivor, I’m not here to make friends. I plan on making an alliance with every single person in my tribe and being their best friend,” A.K tells the camera before going on one of the swiftest and tactless charm offensives ever recorded.
Top Comments
"I don't have any gay friends," A.K tells a camera crew, which could have something to do with the fact that his profession literally only caters to hetero couples, but sure."
Wait....what??? Wedding DJ's literally only cater to hetero couples? Da f^&k is this????