
SEALED SECTION: Aubrey Black plays the 'MILF' in porn. This is how she told her two kids.

Several years ago, escort and porn star Aubrey Black found herself trying to explain to her 10-year-old son what she did for a living.

But the Gold Coast mother-of-two was not a nurse, or a teacher, or a personal assistant.

So Black, 43, decided she would tell him the truth.

“I go on dates with men who are lonely,” she said. And that was the truth.

He told her he thought that was “cool”, but as is often the case with children, he could tell there was more to the story.

“He was curious as to what images I was putting out there,” Aubrey tells Mamamia. She made it clear she was going on dates, was very safe, and was making good money for the family. One year, her annual salary came in at $885,000.

But her son, now aged 18, put in some detective work. She didn’t discover how much he actually knew until years later.

Aubrey’s daughter, who is nine years older, always knew.


Aubrey has spent most of her life working in the creative industries, pursuing photography when her kids were little. She had friends who were escorts and remembers thinking, “Oh, how sad,” and, “isn’t there another way?”

But in her mid-30s, working as a single mother, she noticed that the escorts who she photographed were never short of work. And for the first time, she began considering it.

“I tried retail, I tried being a manager, I tried the nine-to-five job thing… and it was just struggle, struggle, struggle,” Aubrey explains.

Escorting was “utilising this inbuilt resource that I have,” she says, and all her life, Aubrey has never been someone to try something halfheartedly.

She is also incredibly grounded, laughing that she doesn’t walk around overwhelmed by how “hot” she is and how many men want her.

“I was bullied growing up. I was always considered the ugly kid. I went through a period of morbid obesity for about four years,” she explains, and telling Mamamia she has never thought she was better than anyone else.


She leveraged what she knew about marketing and social media to build an online presence – now boasting a website and an Instagram account with more than 40,000 followers.

But what Aubrey soon discovered was that relationships with men became difficult.

“I’m a Gemini,” she laughs, hinting at her own duplicity, occupying two completely different worlds at once.

In the first, she is Aubrey. She is fun, has lots of sex and enjoys it. But Aubrey is a character.

Her true self does not drink alcohol. She’s never experimented with drugs. “I don’t party,” she says, “I’m the mum… the dork.”


And interestingly, sex was only really a feature of Aubrey’s life.

At one point, she jokes that she worried her “vagina was dead,” somewhat switched off if she wasn’t at a booking.

Her relationship of seven years ended earlier this year, and she tells Mamamia, “he ran off and had a fling with a younger girl because that’s originally what he did with me… but I no longer stimulated that side for him because he wasn’t getting sex from me. I was giving it to everyone else and there’s no way I felt like giving it to him.

“You know, I get better sex at work than I would with him,” Aubrey says.

Since, she has found partners became extremely jealous and uncomfortable when they saw her social media profiles, assuming that the selfies are about seeking attention rather than marketing oneself in a way that is beneficial to business.

I couldn’t help but ask Aubrey if she wouldn’t enjoy having a person all to herself.

“I’ve got to be very careful because I would naturally want to surrender it all and just be loyal to one person,” she says.

But Aubrey has a very clear philosophy about men and their understanding of sex.


She said the industry has taught her we need to look at sex from an animal perspective rather than an emotional one. Cinderella stories have not done us any favours. The male species, she believes, need to procreate and “sow their seed” with as many as possible, whereas women are happy to have one dominant male and remain loyal.

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“It’s an innate trait for men to do that,” she says.

That doesn’t mean, however, that she’s indifferent to cheating.

“I’ve been cheated on my whole life. I’ve never cheated on a person,” she said. “I always hated cheaters. Lies and cheating to me were some of the most disgusting, horrendous thing you could do.”

But… If a man is going to cheat, Aubrey explains, surely you’d much rather him have sex with a woman he has absolutely no emotional connection to, than develop a full-blown affair.

“If it’s not me, it’s going to be someone else,” she says.

“I’m sorry, but yes I am going to benefit from that. And at least you know I am never going to try and destroy your family. I have to look after mine. And your husband can go on his way, and come back to you.”

For men, Aubrey tells me, sex is nothing more than a ‘physical itch’.

Many men come to her, and talk about how beautiful and amazing their wife is, how she’s the best mother on the planet, but – in Aubrey’s words – “she’s just not putting out.”


And that’s where she comes in.

The mum also insists that every partner has a responsibility to remain attractive to their partner – whether it’s emotionally or physically. Both parties have to hold up their end of the bargain.

Aubrey – it seems – is happy. She works hard, she’s excited for the future, and she is now pursuing a very successful career in porn.


She’s also a good mother who cares enormously about her children – who, in turn, are comfortable with her profession.

The three of them have a slightly unconventional relationship, with Aubrey laughing that sometimes she comes home with what she considers a fun-fact, and her kids are horrified.

“Do you know on scene they don’t actually use cum it’s actually Cetaphil?” she told her 18-year-old son and 26-year-old daughter recently.

“Why are you telling us this?” they asked, likely squirming at hearing their mum use the word ‘cum’.

“It’s an interesting fact…” she rationalised. “It’s funny.”

Her kids rolled their eyes, knowing that this probably isn’t the kind of conversation going on inside their neighbours house.

Aubrey is enormously proud and fiercely protective of her daughter, who she had when she was 17. I ask what she would say or do, if her daughter decided to pursue the same career path.

“There’s a lot of things you don’t want your children to do…” Aubrey says before pausing.

“But if they did it, then you would want them to do it in a way that they were safe and informed and aware. I would assist them [son or daughter] the best that I could.”

Aubrey Black will be appearing at SEXPO in Melbourne this weekend, 16th – 19th of November. 

You can buy tickets, here