
Yes, you can become 'immune' to anti-wrinkle injections. Here's what you should know.

We don't mean to alarm you but, apparently, anti-wrinkle injections might not last as long as you once thought. Yes, really. Please sit.

Because as injectables become more popular than ever, experts say it's possible for anti-wrinkle injections to eventually become... ineffective on certain people.

Known as 'anti-wrinkle tolerance', or 'anti-wrinkle resistance', it's a theory where your body basically becomes immune to the effects of the injectables, which is apparently influenced by the frequency and dosage of the treatment.

Meaning? If you've been getting anti-wrinkle injections on the regular (say, every three to six months) for many, many years, there may be a risk that they will stop working one day.


Watch: Lauren Curtis tells her followers about the risks of getting lip injections. Post continues below.

Video via Mamamia.

So, what does it mean if anti-wrinkle injections don't seem to work on you? Or if they tend to stop working really quickly?

To find out more, we spoke with cosmetic doctor Dr Imaan Joshi from Skin Essentials and asked her precisely ALL of the questions.

Here's everything you need to know about becoming immune to anti-wrinkle injections.


Can anti-wrinkle injections stop working?

So, is there actually such a thing as becoming 'immune' or 'resistant' to anti-wrinkle injections? Or is it just another one of those fabricated beauty rumours that pop up now and then?

According to Dr Joshi, "The jury is out on this but more healthcare workers are talking about it, especially in the context of the fact that all toxins are made with complexing proteins that over time may induce antibodies."

Meaning? Your immune system basically fights off the injectable treatment.

"The concern is mainly that with people starting younger and younger and having higher and higher doses in a (mistaken) effort/desire to stay frozen for longer, they’re risking developing antibodies which may render them unresponsive down the track if/when there’s a medical need for toxin."

Preventative anti-wrinkle injections have blown up in recent years, which has seen a younger age group opt for injectable treatments, such as anti-wrinkle injections and fillers. 

Whether this might be due to social media and influencers or the rise of celebrities openly discussing their own cosmetic procedures, there's no denying that as these kinds of treatments become more accessible and affordable, the demographic is getting younger.

When it comes to what she's seeing in her own clinic, Dr Imaan says that while anti-wrinkle immunity is quite rare, she has seen cases of it.

"I myself have seen about four cases of non-response in people who’ve seen me as a last resort after years of toxin use and trialling different clinics in case it’s a brand/injector issue," she shares.

"At present, I’m unaware that there’s evidence that this resolves over time once it occurs."


Who does this usually happen to?

So, why doesn't it work for everybody? Why do anti-wrinkle injections last longer in some people as opposed to others?

According to our expert, the theory is that the more doses you have (i.e. the younger you start undergoing anti-wrinkle treatments) or the higher the dose, the higher the risk of resistance. 

Further to this, there’s also been some recent research into how COVID affects these toxins, which Dr Joshi said has given rise to "less-than-usual" responses to anti-wrinkle injections in some people. 

It's important to note, however, that the research around this is ongoing. "We don’t understand it. These are at present, theories," she says.

Why do people react to anti-wrinkle injections differently?

"All brands are slightly different," says Dr Joshi. "One brand promotes itself as having the lowest concentration of complexing proteins, but in essence, they all have some protein."

"Some brands are also the 'gold standard', so [they've been] around longer and have a larger market share than others."

Dr Joshi goes on to say that some people with underlying susceptibility or potentially more reactive immune systems may also be at higher risk. However, she stresses that more research needs to be done in this area.

"Toxin has only been approved for cosmetic purposes since 1989 and its use has exploded in recent decades, so it makes sense that probability-wise, we are seeing side-effects not possible with lower numbers of patients."

What happens when you become immune to anti-wrinkle injections?

Put simply, Dr Joshi says it's like you’re being vaccinated with an anti-wrinkle injection. "The body recognises the offending molecule/ingredient and the antibody binds to it, stopping it from working."


"Every time thereafter you get injected with the drug, even if it's a different brand, it’s like a booster dose to encourage your immune system to theoretically produce more antibodies."

What puts you at risk of developing a tolerance?

Experts theorise that undergoing anti-wrinkle injections too frequently or having higher doses puts you at risk of developing a tolerance.

"It’s only been trialled in cosmetics since 1989 and the range of uses has rapidly expanded since it became freely available at a cheap price and marketing encouraged people to have it for prevention at younger and younger ages," shares Dr Joshi. 


"Equally, many young people want to be 'frozen' rather than just soften movement and smooth their skin at rest. They’re also getting bigger doses in the face but also the masseters for facial slimming, in the calves and shoulders for contouring, which are again huge doses."

How can you make anti-wrinkle injections last longer?

According to Dr Joshi, "Zinc is a necessary step in the efficacy for toxin to function, so supplements may help."

Yes, this is a thing!

@doctorkell Replying to @labuttercup Zinc Can Jelp Your #botox Work Longer? A study by Koshy et al demonstrated a single dose of 50mg zinc supplementation at the time of neurotoxin injection (#botox #dysport #xeomin) increased the length of affect and potency of the toxin ! #botoxandfiller #cosmeticsurgery #expertinjector ♬ Blue Blood - Heinz Kiessling

"Equally important, some people are just fast metabolisers, and if you exercise a lot or smoke, you may get less mileage than someone else."

Further to this, remember that when it comes to the frequency and dosage of injectables – less is definitely more.

The good news? As Dr Joshi points out, injectable immunity seems to be an extremely rare occurrence – and there's no evidence anti-wrinkle injection resistance is actually on the rise in Australia.

However, she does stress, "Anti-wrinkle treatments, like all medical aesthetics options, can be great but I’d like people to recognise that these are medical procedures and not just retail treatments."

"Also, experience and qualifications actually matter so I’d urge people to choose based on who they believe will look after their best interests long-term and help minimise risk not just today but for years to come." 

Have you ever experienced immunity to anti-wrinkle injections? Share your thoughts with us below.

Feature image: Instagram; @drimaanjoshi.