A mother in the US has turned Meghan Trainor’s hit, ‘All About That Bass‘ into a ‘breast is best’ anthem.
The incredibly catchy song – it’s in your head now, I’m not sorry – was criticised when it came out for supposedly skinny shaming women. And now, mum-of-two Lori Burke has created a video about how everyone should breastfeed their children.
Which obviously didn’t go down so well with mothers who choose not to breastfeed or are unable to.
Lori responded to the criticism with:
“I have two children 6 and 8 years old. I breastfed both but also bottle fed, pumped, used formula — I did it all. So I’m not trying to isolate moms who choose not to. I support all mothers and know that we all have to do what is best for our children and ourselves. Breast feeding is very stressful as a new mom. But it is the healthiest and least expensive way to feed your newborn, not to mention the bonding, immunities, and good things you pass on to your infant.”
Still, her cover is catchy and her rhyming clever. Whether you’re a ‘breast is best’ supporter or not, you’ll want to watch this:
And in case the song has made you want to listen to the original, here you go:
Top Comments
I have breast fed both my children for 18 months each and loved it all - so thought this was a cute, catchy song. However, I had a lot of guilt surrounding two emergency caesarians and not 'natural births'. I was thinking if someone made a song "all about natural births, no caesarians" I think I would feel horrible as at the end of the day sometimes it really just is not your choice when it comes to these kinds of things. And you can tell women to chill out and not get so emotional, but most things regarding your babies do evoke an emotional response.
Oh gawsh. Everything is controversial thesedays. And if it's not controversial, it causes cancer.