
What are your hopes and plans for 2011?

January is the blank piece of paper month. The month full of potential, where you think about the year you want to have, contemplate what’s coming up and prepare for it. Or work towards it.
I’m excited about this year. Many people seem to be. It’s a year of fresh starts and new beginings and exciting chapters for lots of people. Maybe because it’s the first year in a new decade. Last year felt consolidating. This year feels full of promise.
For me, there’s certainly a lot going on. I have two books launching.
There’s a new one called Mia Culpa: Confessions From The Watercooler Of Life. Here’s a sneak peak at the cover:
The other book is the B-format (smaller, cheaper format) of my Memoir, Mamamia coming out in April.
In a few weeks, we’ll be launching the new website Mamamia 3.0.
There are other things on the work front that will be happening and also some travel. All of it good.
But personally? What do I want from this year?
My daughter starts school. I want to be around for her as much as possible. My toddler is growing up and I’m going to try and catch as much of that before it’s gone. My eldest son is in highschool and I want to keep a close eye on his life (!) and my husband and I continue to work and live together mostly in harmony.
I want to eat less sugar and get up earlier.
And that’s (so far) it.
What do you have coming up this year and what are you hoping that 2011 will bring you?