
From the syrup enthusiast to 'decaf only': The 11 very specific types of coffee drinkers.

NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto®
Thanks to our brand partner, NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto®

For some, coffee is a sanctuary – for others, it's a lifeline. 

It's understandably become a big part of our culture. So much so, that you can define who a person is just by their coffee order. 

Whilst we're undeniably complicated beings, there are certain traits found in people that drink coffee. They have, how do we say this, a certain funk that makes them easily identifiable. 

And, it's deeper than their actual coffee order too – they have distinguishable qualities that make it easy to pick them out in a crowd. 

As such, I've compiled a list of the 11 very specific types of coffee drinkers. Here's what they are.

The coffee expert. 

They know everything there is to know about making good coffee. 

In another life, they were a barista – now they just tell baristas how to do their job better. They're not the type to look down on you for using old coffee beans, but they will tell you how they can't live without their coffee machine. 

They'd also tell you it gives you countless coffees to choose from, different sizes, intensities and even temperatures – they will carry on about how you can make the perfect flat white with a touch of a button. 

With a sleek, beautiful design that doesn't take up too much counter space, you could become a coffee expert, simply by owning a NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto Genio S Touch Automatic Coffee Machine

We all know the coffee expert would break down the utter genius of the machine to you, despite how uninterested you are in learning. Now, don't get them started on the capsules (in partnership with Terracycle, no less).


The best thing to do is just let them talk and talk... and talk.

Image: Supplied. 

The humble coffee drinker. 

No complaints from them – ever. Unless the milk they're using is expired (but they'll probably still drink it, anyway).

The person who can't do anything without making a coffee first. 

They'd make a coffee before they even got out of bed, if they could.


The coffee snob. 

There's always one in a friendship group or your family – and as much as you might love them, you'd be lying if you said you didn't wish they had an off button sometimes. 

They wouldn't exactly call themselves a coffee connoisseur, but they'll definitely be offended if you don't call them one and they accept nothing less than the best. They have a regular cafe they frequent, and they know the baristas by name.

Adding sugar to their drink is unthinkable. And, don't get them started on a milk modifierIt's morally incomprehensible. You'd probably mistake them for someone who is lactose intolerant by the way they roll their eyes every single time they hear someone ask for a latte with extra foam.

And, please don't get them started on how unsophisticated coffee art is. 

Sure, their order might make 20 minutes and three tries to get right but at least they're happy... right?

Image: Supplied. 


The syrup enthusiast. 

We're not sure how, but believe it or not, there are people in this world who can only drink coffee if it has a caramel drizzle in it. And, we're not judging them because same, but also... just drink a long black and call it a day, please.

They're fully stocked with every syrup known to man. They probably have a small bottle of their favourite flavour in their handbag and the only time you'd ever fight with this ray of sunshine is if you told them they have a serious problem. 

The person with a complicated coffee order. 

To know them is to love them. You know the type. The one who absolutely needs the artisan beverage at the crack of dawn or else they simply cannot function. They get up half an hour earlier in the mornings to demand the barista near their local train station to whip out the "good" coffee beans – who, by the way, is dreading the moment they walk into their establishment. 

The iced coffee only person.

You can hear this person enter the room with their iced caramel macchiato before you ever see them. Their drinks have enough sweetener in them to give a small school a sugar high. If they're making drinks at home and someone has used all the ice in the freezer and not replaced it...


Well, good luck.

The 17-coffees-a-day person.

Don't ever make a coffee call around this person. Because they'll say yes. Again. And, use all of your coffee pods. They'll also possibly make you realise you too have an addiction to the caffeine-y goodness. 

The recovering coffee addict. 

Decaf only. Gah. We're shuddering at the thought (whilst also supporting you for kicking the very delicious habit).

The late-night sipper.

You know those people who need an espresso an hour before they go to bed? If so, then you should also know that you could never be this person and that there is no point in trying. 

They're wired differently and you, my friend, are not. 

The fast-food coffee evangelist.

They're perfect for a road trip because they'll never complain about the burnt coffee from the servo. In fact, they welcome it. They crave it. They're the ones in the drive-thru lane on their way to work because they absolutely need their caffeine hit. Never mind the fact their caffeine hit also tastes like burnt hot dog water, or that it also has an off-putting, pungent smell to it. They don't feel the need to dwell on it, because they're not exactly savouring it.

Oh well, there are worse things to fret over... like the fact that they think good coffee is just too fancy. 

The NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto Genio S Touch Automatic Coffee Machine creates barista-quality coffee, all with a click of a button. 

Feature Image: Supplied.

Calling all coffee drinkers, caffeine addicts, and home baristas! Take our short survey to go in the running to win a $50 gift voucher!
NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto®
Want to enjoy the ultimate coffee shop experience at home? Whether you are an Americano fan, a Cappuccino lover or an Espresso aficionado, you'll find yours among the NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto®'s range of premium coffee pods. You can adjust the size, temperature and intensity to tailor your coffee like a barista. Only possible with NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto®.