
Hero, Shocker and Whinger of the Week.


Happy Sunday!

Welcome to Mamamia Rogue’s Shocker, Hero and Whinger of the Week.

Here’s how it works: each week we pick the biggest Shocker, Hero and Whinger from the last seven days. Shocker is whatever moment or person who left us with our mouths so wide open that we potentially swallowed a fly. Hero is whoever won the week by being 100 per cent awesome. And Whinger? Well that’s anyone who threw a tantrum that would make a four-year-old proud.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

Hero of the Week goes to…

This kitten showing a kitten statue who’s boss.


Damn it, that kitten is badass. Confused, but badass.

Let us all attack life like that kitten attacks fake kittens.


Shocker of the Week goes to…

Transparent mice.


Are you eating? If so, please close this window now, and wait roughly two hours before returning to this page. If not…

Welcome to your nightmares.

Researchers in the US have found a way to make transparent mice.

The researchers, from the California Institute of Technology, developed the method of making mice transparent so that they could observe how diseases move throughout the body.

The mice are first euthanised and skinned. Then chemicals are pumped through their bodies to freeze the positions of their organs and tissue.


The end result looks like this:

Image via Cell journal.


It’s kind of like a rice paper roll.

But it’s a mice paper roll. Ha. Get it? Mice paper roll?


Whinger(s) of the Week goes to…

Everyone who’s angry about this baby doll:



Because of this:



Yup. A boy baby doll has a penis. Not just an odd, confusing-for-kids plain oval, but and actual, all-boys-have-these penis.

And some parents are pissed.

According to the Huffington Post, the anatomically correct doll, which is available at Toys R Us, has caused quite a stir. One mother posted on the Toys R Us Facebook page:

I took my daughter to buy a new baby at toys r us. And she was so excited to find a baby boy doll because it was dressed in blue. But when she went to change his diaper, this was the surprise. Why?? These r little girls that don’t need to know the anatomy.

It’s a penis. A baby penis. On a baby doll.

Also, your child does need to know the anatomy. Probably by around Year 2. Give her a head start.


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Rogue is Mamamia’s space for fun, viral and random content, with everything from feminism to pop culture. We scour the internet so you don’t have to, and bring all the best bits back.

