French Kids Don’t Oui on the Floor.

Bonjour et bienvenue dans ce glorieux désordre! For those of you who failed French, that means hello and welcome to This Glorious Mess! We haven’t gone mad, but we may have eaten a few too many macaroons, because today’s guest is French OBSESSED. So much so, her kids are only allowed to watch TV in French. Are you smarter than a fifth grader? If we had to go back to school there is no way we could pass Naplan. Plus, schools in Canberra are considering swapping choccy milk and snag rolls for smashed avo. Do school canteens need to step it up a notch or are lattes best left in hipster cafes? And it’s T minus 24 hours until Billy’s birthday party and Holly has threatened to cancel the whole shebang. What should she do?