
Hero, shocker and whinger of the week.



It’s time to look back on the week that was, and at the individuals who inspired us with their heroism, confronted us with their shockingness, and made us want to punch them in the face by being a sissy-lala.

Hero of the week: Nick Kyrgios.

We don’t even care that he was knocked out the next day. The moment 19-year-old Nick Kyrgios from Canberra beat out world number one Rafael Nadal united a nation.

And for that, and this particular shot in the match, we salute you.

Shocker of the week: Tony Abbott.

This week’s shocker just had to be our PM, who was quoted as saying:

“I guess our country owes its existence to a form of foreign investment by the British government in the then unsettled or, um, scarcely settled, Great South Land.”

on Friday.

Let’s all take a look at that scarcely settled land:

Mmm… yep.

Whinger of the week: The waitress who complained about getting a crappy tip on Facebook, only to remember that she is Facebook friends with the people who gave it to her.

An Ohio waitress has lost her job after posting a Facebook status complaining about a stingy tip, only to realise that she was Facebook friends with the person who gave her the tip. The tip-er then printed out the message written by the ungrateful tip-ee, and took it to her manager.

Moral of the story: Facebook friends should be real-life friends.
