
HOROSCOPES: Trust your instincts, Leo.

Natasha Weber is an astrology genius and has predicted our horoscopes for the week beginning May 19. For more from Natasha, follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

On Thursday, Mars and the healing asteroid Chiron align in your sign, offering a powerful opportunity for reconciliation. Whether it’s mending fences with someone you’ve fallen out with or forgiving yourself for unmet expectations, this is your week to release any lingering disappointments. Shake off the past, look ahead, and press on with self-compassion. Welcome this celestial chance to heal and step forward with more kindness in your heart. 


POWER DAY Thursday.

Mercury and Uranus’ meeting in your sign this Friday cues a stroke of genius. A brilliant idea or sudden solution is coming, likely hitting you out of the blue. Stay sharp! But remember, even the most groundbreaking ideas need action to shine. So, don’t just sit on this epiphany—take it and sprint. This week, harness any flashes of inspiration or radical concepts and make something magical happen. 



Watch: Horoscopes in the bedroom. Story continues after video. 

Video via Mamamia.


It’s your lucky week, Gemini! Jupiter swings into your sign on Sunday for the first time in 12 years, kicking off a year filled with abundance, growth, and a boost in optimism. Dubbed the guardian angel planet, Jupiter will have your back, making this the perfect time to chase your wildest dreams. Expand your horizons and shoot your shot—this is your year to go for gold!



Get ready for a buzzing social scene this weekend! Mischievous Mercury is pushing you out of your usual circles, introducing you to people you wouldn’t typically meet. Drop your guard and show the real you; at the same time, look past first impressions and discover the authenticity in each novel interaction. This week provides the perfect opportunity to broaden your social horizons and make unexpected but wonderful connections. 



This week, Mercury and Uranus supercharge your work life with brilliance. Whether it’s sparking an ingenious idea or discovering a unique solution, your skills are in the spotlight. Facing a tough challenge or striving for a major life goal? Trust your instincts, especially if they lead you down unconventional paths. Don’t hesitate to adopt a radical approach—sometimes, shaking things up is exactly what’s needed to move forward. 

POWER DAY Thursday.


Starting Sunday, Jupiter reaches the zenith of your chart, illuminating your path to an improved life direction. Whether it’s advancing in your career, relocating to the countryside, or starting a new business, Jupiter will guide you. This influence is your chance to build a brighter future, and it is written in your stars. Act on your aspirations; seize this opportunity to fulfil your potential and set your sights high. 

POWER DAY Tuesday and Thursday.


On Sunday, Jupiter enters your travel sector, sparking a year-long urge to explore. You'll find yourself eager to visit far-off places, immerse in new cultures, gather new and fascinating knowledge, and forge foreign connections. While this doesn’t necessarily mean you should pack up and leave for a year, it's the perfect time to start planning. The adventure of a lifetime awaits—begin mapping out those dream destinations.



Jupiter, a planet that champions honesty, moves into your intimacy sector this week, encouraging you to open up and let your guard down. As a private person, this may feel like a big step, but it’s a gradual process. There’s no rush to bare your soul to the world; instead, focus on feeling more comfortable expressing your desires and emotions. This shift isn't about public revelations—it’s about you embracing more profound emotional freedom. 

POWER DAY Thursday.


For the first time in 12 years, Jupiter, your planetary ruler, sweeps luck into your relationship zone. Couples find this period ideal for overcoming obstacles that have blocked intimacy or mutual understanding. Meanwhile, singles are in for a rare treat—a once-in-a-dozen-year chance to meet someone who truly makes your heart sing. Let Jupiter act as your celestial matchmaker, guiding you towards more meaningful connections. 



This week is perfect for igniting your creative spark, not just in arts and crafts but also in technology. If you've been tearing your hair out over a frustrating tech issue, Mercury and Saturn’s link will help you find a solution. This is a prime time to innovate and refresh your social media strategy, bringing fresh energy to your online presence. But don’t just ponder the possibilities; take decisive action and make it happen! 

POWER DAY Tuesday.


This week is primed for socialising and connecting with inspiring people. The company you keep, particularly those you emotionally invest in, will shape your success story. Choose your circle wisely. Look deeper than surface impressions to understand the true intentions of friends or colleagues. You possess a keen ability to discern others' real motives right now. Trust your instincts, tune into your surroundings, and let your intuition guide your choices. 



This week, your modern ruler, Jupiter, shifts into your home and family sector, sprinkling luck on domestic affairs. If you’ve been planning renovations or repairs, now’s the time to dive in—expect beautiful outcomes. Jupiter’s influence lasts a year, allowing ample opportunity to transform your space. On the family front, it’s a period for unity, celebration, and reconciliation. Cultivate togetherness and healing, and create precious memories. 


Natasha is the host of Astrology Coach podcast for iHeartRadio and horoscope columnist for Mamamia. She has guest featured on radio and TV shows, Studio 10, Today Extra and Sunrise Morning Show. In 2020, Natasha received the prestigious AAAC award for her contribution to astrological research. She is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, and her work has appeared in many prestigious publications. Natasha's hot astro tip is to read your horoscope for your Sun and Ascendant signs to get the most accurate prediction. You can find her website here, her Instagram here and her TikTok here.

Feature image: Mamamia. 

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