
Best and Worst of the week


It’s the end of a fraught week for many of us who have been consumed by media reports and Twitter, watching the floods unfold in Queensland. Then there have been those Mamamia readers in the thick of it or who have loved ones directly affected. It’s hard to think of any other “worsts” this week.

But life goes on and so do the big and little things that make life difficult and wonderful and as we always do at the end of the week, here is where you can share them. Air them. Vent them. Celebrate them.
My best: The people. The courage and spirit of some people has been beyond measure. Anna Bligh. She has been a magnificent inspiration and reminder of what true leadership looks like. On the homefront, I’m back at work this week and feeling incredibly positive and excited about 2011. Bring it on.

On My Mind: I heard someone say “You shouldn’t cry for anything that can’t cry for you” as a way of saying that material things don’t matter. But they do. Of course they do. Obviously not as much as people and animals but we derive so much identity and comfort and security from our possessions. I cannot begin to imagine losing them all. And I have so many questions. What happens to all the wrecked, soaked stuff? When the water subsides and people return to ruined houses, do they just put it all outside on the kerb? How do you clean a house that’s been flooded? Who helps you? It’s almost too much to comprehend, even from the dry warmth and safety of another state. My thoughts and sympathy and support to everyone doing it tough right now, in Queensland and everywhere else.
Here are the pictures we’re talking about this week: