
Pubes are in, so how do we grow them back?

A minute of your time, please? We need to talk about your pubes. More specifically, if you have any left. Because chances are, in recent years your pubic hair has gone through a lot. If you're anything like us you've probably had them waxed, trimmed, shaved or even lasered right off.

But then something (fashion) happened, and now it's 2024 and pubes are back 'in' again. Yes! The bush is back and thriving.

Watch: Speak of pubes, let's take a trip back to the history of pubic hair - because grooming practises go back much further than you think. Post continues below.

Just take a look at the recent Maison Margiela Spring/Summer 2024 fashion show and you'll see... pubes. Lots and lots of pubes. Models took to the runway wearing sheer skirts in tulle-type fabric, with some quite voluminous pubic hair underneath.

Just take a peek here:

However, the pubic hair wasn't real pubic hair — they were merkins. Which, in case you're not familiar, are like little pubic wigs.

In fact, on a recent episode of Mamamia Out Loud, Mia Freedman, who describes merkins as her niche topic of interest, said: "The merkin is not only a very fun word to say but for anyone who permanently pruned their pubes and lasered them off into oblivion, or perhaps too impatient to wait for their hair to grow out, you too can wear a pubic wig under your shear clothes, or perhaps at the beach poking out of your swimwear or even dangling down underneath the bottom of a short skirt."

But then how does one fasten a merkin onto their private area? You might ask. 

"It can be adhesive a little bit like double-sided fashion tape," Mia explained, "Or you can have a Merkin that is like on a G-string - that is literally some strings o the side and one up your back area and the big tuft at the front."

Interesting! However, for those not keen on splashing out on a merkin, is it actually possible to grow out your pubic hair if you've already taken the hair removal route? 

Well, that's why we're here. Writing this article about pubes. And look, before we go into it, it obviously goes without saying but how much or little hair a women chooses to keep down there — or anywhere else — is a personal decision. You do you.

Can you grow back pubic hair?

The short answer? Yes. However, depending on what kind of grooming or hair removal treatment you've had on your pubic hairs will determine how fast and how much will grow back.

For example, if you're someone who has undergone laser hair removal, you might find that while you're able to achieve some regrowth, your bush probably won't have the same voluminosity and robustness as it once did before.

This is because laser hair removal works by using light energy to damage or destroy the structure of your hair follicle. Meaning? While some of your hair may eventually return, it'll usually appear lighter or thinner upon any regrowth.

Listen: Speaking of pubes, have you listen to the recent episode of Mamamia Out Loud? Here, Mia, Holly and Jessie talk about, well, pubes. Post continues below.

With this in mind, it's also important to note that with laser hair removal, the results differ based on a variety of individual factors. So, the regrowth journey won't necessarily be the same for everyone.

Now, if you're someone who went down the non-permanent hair removal route and had waxing or the DIY method of shaving, your natural hair growth cycle will usually take anywhere between three to four weeks, at which time you should notice regrowth.

Once you do start growing the hairs out, just remember that frequent waxing can lead to finer or sparser hair regrowth over time — so you might notice things aren't quite as thick as they once were. It's also normal for things to look a little patchy at the start — this is because the hair follicles will be at all different points in their growth phase. So, just give them time to sync up and do their thing.

Of course, growing out your pubic hair doesn't necessarily mean you have to ditch the grooming of your bush completely (similarly, if you want to let it go wild and do its thing, go for it). If you still want to keep things neat and tidy, there are tons of different tools and products on the market (there's special pubic hair clippers for women and even a nourishing pube oil to keep things soft and smooth).

Whatever you do, just make sure you do the correct prep to help reduce the risk of bumpy ingrown hairs. Because they suck.

Again, whether you choose to grow out your pubic hairs or keep them groomed, it's something entirely individual and personal. As long as you're doing it for you and you only — go forth.

What do you think of the comeback of the bush? We wanna hear 'em! Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.

Feature image: Instagram/@maisonmargiela.  

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d123 2 months ago 7 upvotes
I assume that one day the fashion industry will demand that if women want to be truly feminine they need to chop a foot off. They won’t demand it of men, because men aren’t that stupid to go along with such idiocy. But, naturally women will fall into line - or just fall, now that they are all missing a foot. 

The footless fashion (not footloose) will spark articles about how sexism and the patriarchy are to blame for women feeling compelled to remove a foot to conform to men’s ideas of acceptable femininity. Simultaneously, other articles will preach that it’s a woman’s choice to remove a foot and should be respected as such, i.e - you do you. 

Others will debate what is the appropriate foot to chop off to be truly feminine, while some will argue that you can’t be truly feminine unless you chop off both feet. 

Surgeons and beauticians will make a lot of money offering amputations. Eventually most women, except a few unfashionable hold outs, will have at least one foot removed . 

Then soon enough it will be all over because some daring fashionista in charge of Vogue or similar designer bible, will decide its time to try something edgy - and, bring back feet. 

Then the same women will be lining up again (obviously assisted by crutches) to get a foot regeneration with whatever the latest technology is. 

Just as these new feet finally grow back and become functional some other diva will announce that feet are passé again and the whole cycle of amputations will start anew 
babble 2 months ago
@d123 sounds like Dr Suess and the Sneechers