
There's more than one way to know instantly if you're a Gen Z or Millennial.

Apparently there are more things that make Millennials uncool and we need to discuss/sit and stew in our feelings and act like we don't care.

For what already feels like too many years, there's been some (very loud) (kinda rude) murmurings on the internet and from our much-younger Gen Z colleagues, about all the stuff Millennials are doing... wrong. 

From fashion to beauty and social media mannerisms... Gen Z has a lot to say about what makes you deeply embarrassing and cringey — and look, it almost always feels personal.

Watch: What Millennials are afraid of. You can now add Zoomers to this list. Post continues below video. 

It all started with the skinny jeans thing, then there was the eyeliner thing and the dance move thing, and now... the sock thing (??).

Yes. Your mortality is now visible on your ankles. 

The difference is, this time around it's not Gen Z pointing out the differences — a Millennial started it all. 

Fitness podcaster Phoebe Parsons was behind a viral TikTok video, explaining how she can tell if someone is Gen Z or Millennial. Which feels conflicting, but okay.

"This is exactly how you can tell the difference between a Millennial and a Gen Z, just by looking at their feet," she shared.

"Are their socks up? Or are they wearing hidden ankle socks?"

"Because Gen Z exclusively wear socks up and Millennials still wear ankle socks." 

Can confirm: She was wearing ankle socks while recording the video.

7. Knocking on the door versus texting "I'm here".

Specific? Maybe. True? Absolutely.

While Millennials will knock on your door/come in to have a chat with your roommate or partner, Gen Z will one thousand per cent of the time just let you know they're outside in the car, because politely no thanks x

8. Thick eyeliner wing versus sleek eyeliner wing.

If you want to spot a Millennial, just look at their eyeliner. 

Because there's a very big difference between how liquid eyeliner looked in 2016 versus how it looks in 2023 — and CAN SOMEONE PLS CHECK ON LAUREN CONRAD.

But seriously, it's pretty obvious. 

If it's a big fat wing that stretches from the inner corner of their eye, you have yourself a Millennial. If it's a skinny, precise line starting from the halfway point, you got yourself a Gen Z.

We'll just be over here taking a quiz to see what Hogwarts house we're in, and practising our wings xx

Tell us. What are your thoughts on the above? We need to know, immediately. Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Feature image: TikTok; @phoebeacp/Canva.

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Top Comments

melbgal 6 months ago 1 upvotes
I’m Gen x and wear no show socks! I’d go braless if I didn’t scare people. Bags depend on what I’m doing.
As a makeup artist eyeliner should be worn to suit the eye. I wish there was a global ban on waterline eyeliner it makes eyes look small and anyone who still wears bright blue eyeliner please return it to the 80s where it belongs 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

sharma llama ding dong 6 months ago 3 upvotes
These Gen Z specific trends are all just things we did in the 90s… and looked back on pics and realised they looked shite… so you know, welcome to trend regret gen z, you’ll feel it in 8yrs