
Modern Etiquette: The 12 things your pharmacist really wishes you'd stop doing.

In 2023, there's one thing that's become alarmingly apparent: No one knows how to behave anymore. 

And it's not our fault. After all, we were locked inside for basically two years. Isolated. Spent a lot of time online wearing stained trackies and watching celebrities make TikToks.

So, in a bid to help remind us all how to behave like polite human beings, we're taking a leaf out of New York Magazine's viral guide to existing in modern society and sharing some new rules.

In the Modern Etiquette series, Mamamia asks people in different fields to share their hard-line do's and don'ts, according to their expertise.

And now it's the pharmacist's turn.

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Because a trip to the pharmacy can be daunting AF. Sometimes you're in and out, and other times you're stuck in an aisle, comparing labels and ingredients and feeling like you need a science degree. Or if you're anything like us, you're walking in with an expired prescription and hoping the person behind the counter won't notice (they did).

And sometimes you just end up feeling all weird and embarrassed when you don't know what you're actually looking for. (Is it just a rash? Or is it fungal? OMG IT'S TOTALLY FUNGAL).

But despite what you might think about pharmacists always looking too busy for your silly questions, they always want to help – and chances are, they know the answer.

And because it's pervy finding out all the things we're probably doing wrong, we spoke to a pharmacist and asked her to lay it all out. (Spoiler: she did. She really did).

Here's a list of everything your pharmacist wants to you to kindly stop doing.

1. Thinking branded medicines are better than generic medicines.

Spoiler! "Generic brands contain the same active ingredient and work the same way as the original medicine."

It can be a bit confusing though, we get it. But the 'generic' brands are usually just the name of the active ingredient in the medicine, whereas the 'brand' medicines have a name chosen by the manufacturer. And according to the experts, there's no difference between generic and brand medicines.

"Generic medicines go through extensive assessment by the TGA to ensure they meet the same standards of quality, safety, and effectiveness as the original brand."

"Although generic medicines may look different in packaging, size and colour, what matters is that the active ingredient is still the same."

So, don't be afraid to go generic. You don't *really* have to drop extra cash on something just for the brand name. Save that dosh for the mascara you spotted in aisle four. 

2. Not being consistent with your medications.

Anyone else casual AF with the timing of their medications? Same. But apparently, this is not good. Especially when it comes to the oral contraceptive pill. Eeep!

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"We often see people who are not consistent with taking their medicines which can have serious health outcomes."

"The best example would be the oral contraceptive pill which needs to be taken at the same time each day to be effective (which could have a life-altering outcome!)."

3. Never reading the label.

Don't roll your eyes at us, Kathy. Can we please have a show of hands how many people actually read the label on their meds? Anyone? That's what we thought. 

One of the biggest mistakes pharmacists find is just how common it is for people to take the incorrect dosage... all because they didn't read the label. 

"I often see customers who don’t read the directions on their medication e.g. they take one instead of two or vice versa. (I know this sounds really silly, but it happens often!)."

So, read the label.

4. Sharing your meds.

While you might feel like you're just doing everyone a solid, sharing your prescriptions and medications is not a thing you should do. 

"Often I see people who are trying to help by giving family members or friends by giving them their medication."

Remember, your GP prescribed your medication specifically for you (and only you) – so you never know how someone else might react to it. 

"This puts the recipient at risk, as you have no idea of how their body will react and it makes you partially responsible. In this case, sharing is not caring."

5. Taking over-the-counter meds incorrectly.

Just because you can buy certain medications over-the-counter, it doesn’t mean they are 100 per cent safe to take in any amount, or in conjunction with your prescription meds. So, be really wary of this.

"A lot of these items can interact with prescription medications or certain medical conditions however they are readily available in places where you can’t get advice."

"If you are taking medicines or have a medical condition, it is best to ask your pharmacist before starting them."

6. Having no idea what you're taking and why.

"One of the most common issues I have seen with people’s medication is they do not know the active ingredient of their medicine or what they are used for."

We know it can be hard (some of those names sound like *actual* gibberish), but make a note of it in your phone, or write it down on a post-it-note before going in to the pharmacy and playing charades. 

"We often recieve requests for advice on medicines (which is excellent!), however sometimes the customer cannot name their medication, and describe it as “round and white”. This makes it extremely difficult to identify, which prevents us from giving appropriate information."

"The recent change to active ingredient prescribing by GPs should help reduce this from happening, however, if you are unsure about what your medicines are for, it's best to just ask. Everyone has a responsibility for their own health."

7. Not staying on top of your repeats.

Yes! This is a thing. And, hoo boy – do we wish we had known about it sooner. (We do).

Most local pharmacies now offer free prescription reminder services through downloadable apps – so take advantage of this! "These services may require your prescriptions to be kept on file (where you can’t lose it!)."

If downloadable apps and all that kinda jazz isn't for you – don't stress. There are a few tricks you can use to stay on top of your repeats.

"It helps if you stay loyal. By using a regular pharmacy it will allow them to ensure your medication is available on hand.

"This was particularly beneficial during the COVID-19 lockdowns and the subsequent medication shortages – it was much easier to try to locate the items my local community needed as I could see what my regular customers required."

Another handy tip? Set a calendar alert in your phone, so you don’t leave it until the last minute.

"After COVID-19, there were a lot of medication shortages and it made it extremely difficult to track down even common medicines. Customers coming in a week before they ran out gave me more time to either track the medication at another pharmacy if it was unavailable or order it in."

8. Feeling embarrassed.

Got a ~burning~ question and feel too embarrassed to ask? "There is no need to be embarrassed about your enquiries as we have most likely heard it before. We don’t judge!"

So, save yourself the panic-induced Google search at 2am and ask an expert. Easier AND safer.

"Pharmacist love to help. If in doubt, ask us the question! It's way safer (Google isn’t always your friend). It doesn’t matter to us how busy we are, we are here to assist you with all your medication queries."

9. Not knowing you can talk to your pharmacist one-on-one.

Did you know that most pharmacies have private consulting rooms? So, there's no need to worry about standing in the middle of a pharmacy and explaining your symptoms – just ask if you can speak to someone in private.

"Pharmacist care about your health – we just want to help."

And just BTW, pharmacists are not only able to dispense medicines, they also often offer a wide range of other services. 

While not every pharmacy offers the same services, many can "administer vaccines, blood pressure checks, or diabetes educator visits and hearing checks." Neat!

10. Thinking pharmacists want you to spend lots of money.

"Pharmacists are trained to identify and treat minor ailments (such as coughs, colds, cuts and grazes). So, it's definitely worth asking your local pharmacist about these minor issues before making a doctor's appointment, as it can save you both time and money."

"Pharmacists give out their advice for free and you don’t need an appointment to see them. All you need is just a little patience if it is busy."

Important thing: "Obviously don’t come in if you have cold and flu symptoms before having a COVID test, and if you do come in after you have been confirmed negative, please still wear a mask (so we don’t get your germs)." 

11. Pharmacy shopping.

Umm... where's the loyalty, friend? We've seen you slipping around...

"Whilst not a mistake, pharmacy shopping doesn’t help you get appropriate advice. Being loyal to a pharmacy helps the pharmacist as they have a greater understanding of your medication history."

12. Thinking pharmacists just print medication labels.

We can almost hear the collective sigh of a million pharmacists. Next time you think your pharmacist is ignoring you on purpose, keep this in mind.

"A lot more happens behind the scenes than typing a label. We consider the appropriateness and safety of each medicine for every person."

Read more Modern Etiquette articles here:

Are you a pharmacist? Anything you'd like to add? Share with us in the comment section below.

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taintedblackcat a year ago
Having a good pharmacist you trust is so crucial