
Well. John Oliver just nailed how the whole world feels about Fraser Anning.


American late-night talk show host John Oliver loves to get stuck into Aussie politicians and their idiocy, so it’s no surprise that after an embarrassing few days, his most recent show focuses on Senator Fraser Anning.

The comic didn’t hold back calling the former One Nation politician a “huge f***ing ***hole” for his comments in the wake of Christchurch’s terror attack.

Oliver read out part of Anning’s controversial statement, which blamed the bloodshed in New Zealand on immigration.

Fraser Anning’s concerning response to getting egged. Post continues after video.

“Holy s—. That might be the worst possible response to what happened,” he said on his show Last Week Tonight, which attracts millions of viewers a week.

The death toll for Friday’s terrorist attack currently sits at 50, with more than 30 still injured and many fighting for life, after a white supremacist gunned down worshippers in two mosques.

Oliver also called Anning’s response a “basic affront to the basic values of the people of New Zealand.”

The talk show host then showed the clip of egg boy, and Anning’s reaction, throwing his support behind the 17-year-old. His audience cheered when the clip was shown.

“The real cause of Fraser Anning getting hit with an egg is Fraser Anning saying things that prompt people to throw eggs at him,” Oliver said.

He was also quick to praise New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, while also joking about his love of making fun of New Zealand.

“My point is, New Zealand is amazing, and it is showing its strength in how it’s been responding to this tragedy. The same, sadly, cannot be said for Australia’s Fraser Anning — a hard-line racist politician and melted candle of Ed Harris,” he said.

Oliver loves to keep an eye on Aussie goings on, and relay it to his huge American audience. In February last year he had a go at Barnaby Joyce and his affair. He also targeted Joyce when he threatened to euthanize Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's pet dogs.

It's not actually the first time he has responded to Anning's antics. Seven months ago, he slammed the politician's maiden speech.

Anning has already been criticised widely across Australia with a number of our major talk shows, including The Project, condemning his behaviour.

There is a petition to remove him from government signed by almost 1.3 million people, and counting.

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Top Comments

Caz Gibson 5 years ago

I'm a huge fan of John Oliver and his work.
He's a supreme satirist and his take on politics is perceptive and courageous.
Along with other satirists such as Stephen Colbert, Seth Myers, Jimmie Kimmel & the Saturday Night Live team and journalists from The Young Turks, Jesse Dollemore, Rachel Maddow etc anyone catching their daily output on YouTube can get an accurate overview of the political terrain in America and the world.
Most with a somewhat satirical edge - ie the truth, but with a sting in it's tail.

After my 20 years of writing and performing breakfast radio satire you could say I have a vested interest in satire as a legitimate art-form but I also trust it as a source of political and social information.
Your general knowledge has to be good to appreciate it, plus your knowledge of world affairs.
Our team's job started getting harder from about 2000 onward when we noticed that the public's general & history knowledge seemed to be getting worse.
If satire becomes a main conduit to improve people's knowledge and interest in the world - it won't be a bad thing.
The only people who seem to become irate about it are those who are too dim to understand it.
Why, some of them even call it "Fake News".............lol.

james b 5 years ago

How can you possibly get an "accurate overview of the political terrain in America" when you have only listed extreme left-wing sources for your political views?

Brett 5 years ago

"extreme left-wing"

According to Fox News.......

james b 5 years ago

Ummmmm, no, according to me.

I'm quite capable of independent thought thank you very much :)

Brett 5 years ago

Good good.

In my view, those above mentioned figures/media outlets are centre-left.

In an Australian context, I think News Corp/Sky/2GB are extreme right-wing, especially with the people they provide a platform to.

Chris 5 years ago

OMG what a redneck Fraser Anning is! So humiliating for Australia.