
"The after-birth pains": 22 women on what they wish they knew before getting pregnant.

While creating and bringing a baby into the world seems pretty darn cool, the reality is that it's also full of LOTSA CRAZY surprises - and the whole experience is exactly nothing like what you see in movies. We know, we know. Shocked and confused.

There are a lot of weird body fluids. Panic-induced Google searches. No sleep. Sore everything. 

The reality of pregnancy, childbirth and then raising a child (they grow into teenagers, you guys. S**t) is in fact very different when you're *actually* doing it IRL.

Watch: How do shows cover up their actor's pregnant bellies? Post continues below.

And those new mums that used to say, "No one ever tells you that..." - well, they were on point. Goodness, were they right!

Cause the truth is, there's a whole heap of things you don't know until you find yourself holding your slimy new roommate.

Listen: Jessie Stephens is sitting down with her mother Anne to find out what happened when Anne found herself pregnant, with twins, two times in a row. Post continues below.

If you're currently pregnant (yay! Congrats) or have kids, we bet there's a buncha stuff you wish you could've told your little past self before all this beautiful stuff happened, right?

That's why we asked some lovely mums and soon-to-be mums to share their own pregnancy stories and what they wish they had been told before the whole having-kids thing. Here's what they said.


"Stop focusing so much on the birth and read more about what happens when the baby actually comes. A midwife forced me to give my baby formula when he was two hours old, but I didn't think they had to eat so soon, etc. I hadn't thought that far ahead, so I was suddenly at the mercy of whatever midwife was on shift." 


"If you're planning for a baby in the future, it's a good idea to get genetic testing with your partner. It will save you from having a potentially stressful conversation when you're already pregnant. When you get your 13 week scan, you meet with a genetic counsellor who asks about your family tree, etc."


"Being the first of my friends to fall pregnant, I wish I knew how much it would change my friendships. I found it really hard sometimes to navigate certain situations and conversations as my friends were in a different life chapter to me."


"Your body never quite goes back to what it was before. Your boobs are different, your hips might be wider..."


"I wish I knew how little I actually needed in terms of baby things. There's so much pressure to buy so much stuff and it's all $$$ - but most of them we used once or twice, and kids outgrow things faster than you realise. Less is more."

Image: Getty


"I wish I knew and was prepared for how much the relationship with my body would change. It has been a mental rollercoaster for over a decade. Only now, after struggling to have a baby, have I really come to a level of peace and appreciation with/of my body."


"I wish I knew how little sex I would have when pregnant! So many movies show women getting hot under the collar every five minutes - and that was so not me."


"I wish I knew not to Google everything. There is a free nurse health line (Health Direct) you can call, which is so helpful for any of your worries."


"That midwives aren't all trained to give you the same advice, they give you advice depending on their experience and it can make it very stressful when you aren't getting the whole breastfeeding thing."


"Don't join so many Facebook groups because the horror stories will freak you the f**k out!"


"That your husband would get 100 per cent hotter when you see him dad'ing."


"Don’t try to show the world that you’re a great mum by showing up to every event, going back to work early or doing everything on your own. Ask for help, stay home and relax if you need to. Go out and visit people if you need to but do what feels right for you and your baby. There is nothing to prove to anyone. You’re doing the best that you can with the skills you were given and you’re going to be awesome!"


"That your feet go up a whole size - R.I.P my shoe wardrobe."


"The after birth pains and just how big baby bits are when they’re born. Take all the painkillers."


"I wish I had thought beyond maternity leave. So many different puzzle pieces to fit together to make everyone’s day work!"


"That is is possible to throw up and feel nauseous 24/7 for nine months straight."

Image: Getty


"That the fourth trimester is a very real thing and should be spoken about a lot more. It all gets a bit easier after and babies become more robust and develop into little people but those first 12 weeks are hard! And that constant crying, frequent wake-ups and frequent feeding are NORMAL. There are no routines, set bed times and that’s the way nature intended it. Read up on the fourth trimester, know what is normal for your baby, not someone else’s and roll with it!"


"How friggin' hard being a parent is! Nobody talks about it honestly before you have your own kids. Only when you're in the trenches does the truth finally come out."


"It’s not just having the baby that causes a weak pelvic floor, it can be obvious from first trimester. Start on those pelvic floor exercises before pregnancy!"


"As soon as people know you are pregnant you stop becoming an individual with interests outside of being a mother. I'm currently eight months pregnant and cannot remember a single conversation that hasn't been about the baby. No wonder so many mums have an identity crisis."


"How difficult and uncomfortable sleeping would be from so early in your pregnancy."


"The birth is a very small moment in time compared to the rest of your life as a mum. Focus less on the birth and more on the first few months - that’s what they should have classes on!"

What do you wish you knew before becoming pregnant? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.

Feature image: Getty

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