reality tv

We now know what happened to that ring Nick Cummins had in his pocket.


To keep up to date with The Honey Badger, AKA Nick Cummins, and all the best Bachelor 2018 news, cast and roses, check out our Bachelor hub. It’s a blast.

When Nick Cummins decided to choose precisely no woman out of the 26 that Channel Ten selected for him, we were left with many questions. One of which is: What the hell happens to the ring that he was meant to give to the winner, which is reportedly worth $20,000?

You see, every season the bachelor is given a ring to offer to their chosen winner. This year, it was provided by Larsen Jewellery, who also supplied Matty Johnson with a ring last year.

The bachelors before Nick Cummins have all given their chosen ladies a ring, and the meaning behind the ring can be different. For Sam Woods, he gave his chosen lady, Snezana Markoski, the ring as a symbol of his commitment to her. Blake Garvey chose to propose to his winner, Sam Frost, with his ring... but we all know how that turned out for him.

The ring is pre-arranged, with producers evidently presuming that the bachelor will find someone they wish to begin a relationship with.

However, Nick Cummins is different.

Larsen Jewellery has since revealed what happened to that ring, saying "we understand that giving a bespoke ring whether it be a commitment, promise or engagement ring, is a very significant and important statement in any relationship, and certainly not something to be taken lightly."

"We respect the decision that Nick has made," the posted to their Instagram account. "The ring has been safely delivered back to us this morning and we plan to donate it to charity."

So to charity it goes, no doubt to a recipient who will appreciate it much more than Nick Cummins ever did.

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