
If you need a goodie bag to deal with the fact there's a baby on your flight... then you might be an a-hole.

It’s the kind of story that pops up every couple of months.

Nervous first time parents flying with their new babies, handing out goodie bags to their fellow flyers to appease them in case their babies should, you know, behave in the way that babies often do and cry if they’re unsettled by a new experience.

This time, a post by Christina Galese on the Love What Matters Facebook page is getting international attention.

Galese writes, “Before the flight took off, the parents passed around these goodie bags to the other passengers around them. Such a thoughtful, simple act of kindness that I am so happy to have experienced.”

But here’s the thing.

They’re babies. Babies cry. And if you’re the kind of person that needs a lolly snake and a fantale to deal with that, then you’re probably an arsehole.

Babies have as much right to be on an aeroplane as the guy in front of you who reclines his seat despite the fact that it’s a two hour domestic flight. Or the woman next to you who brought three items carry on items and has taken up all the overhead locker space. Or the other woman behind you with the eye watering perfume that has set off all your allergies. Or the guy across the aisle who has taken his shoes off and really, when was the last time he put on clean socks?

There are lots of people who do shitty things on flights and they aren’t bringing goodie bags to make you feel better about the fact that you’re an arsehole.


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Top Comments

Nadia 8 years ago

Here's the thing. It is really unpleasant to listen to a baby scream all the way from Melbourne to Dubai. Thinking that is unpleasant and wishing that airlines would offer childfree zones doesn't make you an arsehole. Stop trying to guilt people into thinking it sucks to listen to a baby that is not yours scream for hours on end.

Here's the thing.....the parents signed up for that when they chose to be a parent and chose to fly with their kid. Everyone else around them didn't sign up for that. What's so bad about parents recognising that hey, your choice is going to make this next 16 hours pretty miserable for plenty of other people, maybe we could do something to make it a bit less miserable for them.

I don't expect it, but you better believe I'll take the goodie bag gratefully. It will strongly increase my goodwill as well, because so many parents these days take the I DON'T CARE HOW MY KID AFFECTS ANYONE ELSE approach. It's nice to see a parent recognise that it sucks to fly with their baby rather than expecting everyone else to find it a joy to listen to their precious scream for 10+ hours.

TwinMamaManly 8 years ago

How about WE ALL SIGNED UP TO BE PART OF THE HUMAN RACE...crying babies included. If you hate it so much, don't fly commercial, you should have thought about whether you could afford privates planes or not when you took your job. Just like parents should have thought about whether or not to propagate the human race or not based on someone being inconvenienced for 12 hours on a commercial flight.

Have a wine, take a sleeping pill, put your ear plugs in and look forward to getting off the plane at the other end.

Having said that, I'm not saying people should just let their kids run riot or kick or scream or whatever. I took my infant twins on one flight ...sheer hell, screamed the whole way, haven't done it again since...but people being nasty makes mum/dad upset/anxious which makes baby worse as they pick up on that.

Daijobou 8 years ago

Seriously, I really recommend you get some noise canceling headphones!
My husband and I flew to Hawaii and there was a baby crying the whole way and we heard nothing. And we just had cheapie ones under $50!. They also cut out the motor noise and you feel so much better after flying. I think everyone going on long haul flights should wear them and then problem solved!

fightofyourlife 8 years ago

I don't remember signing up to be a part of the human race? I was just born, like every other person on the planet. No one asked me! ;)

Anyway, who said anything about being nasty to the parents? If your baby is crying and I'm annoyed but sitting quietly in my seat, how on earth does that make any difference to you or your baby?

Snorks 8 years ago

And part of the human race are that guy in front of you who reclines his seat despite the fact that it’s a two hour domestic flight. Or the woman next to you who brought three items carry on items and has taken up all the overhead locker space. Or the other woman behind you with the eye watering perfume that has set off all your allergies. Or the guy across the aisle who has taken his shoes off and really, when was the last time he put on clean socks?
We wouldn't be happy with them, why should we have to be happy with a screaming baby?

Ineedacoffee 8 years ago

I cant say no to chocolate so i so would have taken one if offered but damn it sucks they felt its needed
Babies cry, not much can be done in some situations, rational people accept this
The drunk guy didnt need to drink and become a tool, where my goody bag from his mum