
Donald Trump is now telling a very different story about his meeting with the Queen.


President Donald Trump’s visit to the UK last month was definitely not short of controversy.

From huge protests to the famous Trump baby blimp, the Brits certainly weren’t happy with the President’s visit.

But worst of all, on one of his last days in the UK, Trump broke not one but three royal rules when he met Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle.

Not only did Trump turn his back on the Queen and fail to bow his head when he met her, he also arrived 15 minutes late – which is a big no no when meeting the Queen.

Now, in typical Trump fashion, he’s claiming it was all fake news, saying that the Queen herself kept him waiting…

Despite the fact that there’s video footage of the Queen impatiently checking her watch TWICE before the President finally arrived by helicopter.

Ah, okay then…

Speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania on Thursday night, Trump claimed that he was early to meet the Queen.

“I was asked to have tea with the Queen, who is incredible, by the way. Incredible. I landed, I’m on the ground, and I’m waiting with the King’s and the Queen’s Guards, wonderful people. I’m waiting,” he said, according to The Guardian.

“I was about 15 minutes early and I’m waiting with my wife and that’s fine. Hey, it’s the Queen, right? We can wait. But I’m a little early,” he continued.

“So here was the story by the fake news: The president was 15 minutes late for the Queen. Wrong.”

When Trump and the Queen met, the 92-year-old was pictured waiting on stage by herself for 15 minutes before the President and First Lady Melania Trump arrived

You can watch their initial first awkward exchange here. Post continues below…

According to the BBC, those who meet with the Queen are expected to be on time or early.

It’s also customary to bow your head or curtsey when meeting the Queen, which never Trump or Melania did.

He was also spotted walking ahead of the Queen and turning his back on her, which is considered against royal protocol.

While Trump and Melania met with the Queen for less than an hour, President Obama’s interactions with the Queen were very different.

In 2011, the former President and his wife Michelle Obama spent the night at Buckingham Palace and attended a fancy state dinner in their honour.

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TwinMamaManly 6 years ago
