
Kelsey Hatcher is having two babies, in two separate wombs.

Kelsey Hatcher is pregnant. Twice. At the same time. 

Confused? Let us explain. 

Hatcher, from Alabama, was born with a condition known as Uterine Didelphis, which basically means she has two separate uteri, each with its own cervix. Around three in 1000 women are born with the condition, so it's pretty rare. 

What's even more rare though, is becoming pregnant – in both uteri. The chances of that happening are around one in a million. But this is exactly what happened to Hatcher, who is now expecting two baby girls – one in each uterus, according to NBC News. To top it off, the babies' due date is Christmas Day.

Watch: Kelsey Hatcher details the moment she was told the news. Post continues below.

Hatcher told WVTM that her husband Caleb couldn't believe it when the first ultrasound revealed the condition. 

"He said, 'You're lying.' I said, 'No, I’m not'," said Hatcher. 

The couple already have three children, aged seven, four and two. There are no plans for any more. 

Hatcher's consulting obstetrician gynecologist, Dr Richard Davis, told NBC he'd delivered several women with a double uterus without any issue, but had never delivered one "with twins in each horn".

The babies come from separate eggs, so they won't be identical, meaning they'll be more like fraternal twins.

While the babies are growing healthily, Hatcher's rare pregnancies are considered high-risk and will require more care providers and contingency plans. 

One of the most likely challenges is Hatcher having two separate labours, or in other words,  each uterus contracting at different times, meaning the girls could be born hours or even days apart.

The babies are considered fraternal twins. Image: Instagram/@doubleuhatchlings

While Hatcher is hoping for a natural birth, Dr Davis said there could be complications regardless of how the girls are born. 

"The C-section is a little more risky than usual, because you have to make an incision in each uterus," He explained. "That's two incisions and more blood loss."

Vaginal delivery risks include safety during labour and doctors would need to ensure their fetal heart rates remained normal. In the meantime, Hatcher will receive weekly ultrasounds.  

"Baby A is sitting lower than Baby B, which is great because it looks as if they are lining up for delivery and won't be fighting each other to deliver at the same moment," she shared via her Instagram recently.

"It's crazy how close we are getting to delivery. I can't wait to see how this story all unfolds!"

Feature Image: Instagram/@doubleuhatchlings.

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