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Less than an hour after Married at First Sight ended, we watched a couple disintegrate live on TV.

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Last night we watched a spectacularly eventful season of Married At First Sight come to an end, but if you hung around for the after party (aka Talking Married) you would have played witness to the live unravelling of the newest relationship that formed on the show.

Dan Webb and Jessika Power cheated on their respective spouses and formed a new coupling in the final few weeks of the show.

There was sexy time, there were very early declarations of love, and we basically watched their relationship forming at the speed of light, while their fellow experimenters took their time to form connections over two months on the show.

So perhaps we shouldn’t have been surprised to see it unravel so quickly on the Talking Married couch.

Watch a bit of the unravelling here. Post continues after video.

The issue dividing the pair is trust.

Basically, Jessika hit on another groom before she hit on Dan, but lied about it. She maintained said lie throughout the entire season finale, even though there is video evidence, and the other groom admitted it.

“NUP NOT ME”, she maintained.

Well unluckily for Jess, that didn’t really fly for her new husband – who came straight from re-watching the finale to sitting on the couch with her.

“Yeah, it was hard to watch back, and watching it again it sorta re-scratched those feelings. It’s hard, I probably shouldn’t have watched it. I love the girl… but it’s an awkward position I am in right now,” Dan admitted on national TV.

Host Ben Fordham then let the audience in on what happened in the ad-break, mentioning there were a lot of ‘f-bombs.’

“It seems to me that the tension is still pretty strong there,” Fordham said.

Dan then went on to question why the heck Jess keeps lying to him. To be fair, he asked her on their very first hookup if she’d “tried it on with another guy.”

“She goes down with the lie, dies with the lie, and even on the [finale] tonight she didn’t admit it,” he said.

After talking about the fact that this has been a fight for their entire three month relationship, Jessika then said:

“I don’t deny I was hitting on Nic, I think this has been blown out of proportion in high magnitudes, but yeah I definitely in some ways, I did a little bit… hit on Nic.”

Cue this face from Dan:

On air, he said the couple had spent many a deep conversation delving into this very subject. It's the sticking point of their very being together.

"That's what everyone here wants me to I'm admitting it for Dan, I don't feel like I did. But it's obviously what Dan needs to hear," she said.


"Let's not fight on national television," she whispered through the side of her mouth.

After some more tense backwards and forwards, Dan appeared more than over it, and slumped so far into his chair he was essentially lying on the ground.

"I've got major trust issues," he concludes. "We're banging our heads against a wall...I wish I didn't watch it tonight."

"It creates so much negativity and toxicity in our relationship it really does," Dan said, looking towards Jess as he asked, "do you feel that?"

But, alas, their relationship had disintegrated live on television, and Jess looked at Dan, said nothing, and looked straight back to the camera.


What a journey.

You can read our recap of last night's episode of Married at First Sight here

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