
"It's horribly, horribly violating." On the way to a music festival, 21yo Georgia was strip-searched.



Update: NSW police are currently being investigated over the strip search of a teenage girl at last year’s Splendour in the Grass.

The girl, who was 16-years-old when she attended the music festival, was forced to strip and squat in front of police without a parent or guardian present. No drugs were found.

According to NSW law, a parent or guardian must be present if a child between 10 and 18 years old is strip-searched.

According to the ABC, the public inquiry into the incident will hear from officers who were involved in the strip search.


When Georgia and her friends were driving along the Murray River near the border of New South Wales and Victoria, they didn’t expect to come across an army of police.

The group of friends, who were heading to music festival Strawberry Fields, were still a few kilometres away from the festival in Tocumwal when they came across the police operation.

“This operation was huge,” Georgia, now 25, who attended the festival in 2015, told Mamamia.

“It honestly looked like a border patrol operation. There were around 30 cops, [drug] buses, and sniffer dogs.

Immediately, Georgia and her friends were flagged down by police.

After having their identification checked, the group exited the vehicle as it was “searched from top to bottom” by police.

“As soon as we got out, they started going through everything – even really small stuff, like my friend’s little purse and they put [sniffer] dogs through the car as well,” Georgia said.

Although the police didn’t find any drugs – or any other contraband – in the vehicle, Georgia was given a drug test, while her friend Annabelle was taken to a tent to be strip searched.

“They don’t have to get a sniffer dog to do a drug test,” she said.

“As soon as we got out of the car, they treated us with absolute suspicion, they were just convinced we had stuff on us. And we didn’t – and I mean that, we really didn’t. I know a lot of people going into these [music festivals] do have drugs, but we didn’t.”

After taking a drug test, a sniffer dog sat down at Georgia’s feet.

“They [the police] almost look gleeful – like ‘gotcha’,” she recalled.

“[They said] ‘the dog has sat at your feet and that means we are going to have to carry out a strip search on you,'” she added.

“They took us to a tent set up in this police embankment. I was taken to a tent and I was searched by a female officer.

“You go in the tent, and they tell you take off all of your clothes – one by one. They look through all your clothes as you’re taking them off. Even your underwear and your bra. They make you untie your hair and ruffle that out. They look inside your mouth. Then there’s the best part – when you’re fully naked in front of a complete stranger, they make you squat. It’s completely degrading.

“I was naked in a tent in outback Victoria, and it was really hot and dusty. You get some privacy, but you still feel violated in a tent in the middle of nowhere in front of a stranger.”

After the police failed to find drugs or contraband on Georgia or her two friends, they were let go. But as they continued on their way to the festival, they all felt sick to their stomachs.

“We were just so shocked because we were treated like criminals and we had done nothing wrong,” Georgia said.

“I understand that they wanted to search the car for drugs or other contraband but we were just really outraged. We just couldn’t believe that the government had the power to do that to us. It was just pure shock and later, anger.”

After her experience, Georgia now has a strong stance on strip searches.

“I think it’s a form of state-sanctioned sexual assault perpetrated against individuals as a punitive measure for going to festivals and having fun,” she said.

“There’s ample evidence to support the fact that this does not work,” she added.

“It’s horribly, horribly violating. I’ve never been sexually assaulted but for me, one of the first things that flashed through my mind was imagine if you had been sexually abused and this was happening to you. It could traumatise you, it could trigger you. I just think it’s inhumane and barbaric and backwards and there’s no justification for doing it, because it does not work.”

Earlier this week, new research commissioned by Redfern Legal Centre found that there has been an almost 20-fold increase in strip searches (excluding strip searches in police stations) in NSW in the last 12 years.

The number of searches has increased from 277 times in the 12 months up until 30 November 2006, to 5,483 strip searches in 2018.

The study also found that between 2014-2015 and 2017-2018, strip searches conducted outside of police stations found nothing more than 60 per cent of the time.

Under law, strip searches are only meant to be conducted as a last resort, on reasonable grounds, when circumstances are deemed to be serious and/or urgent.

*Georgia does not wish to disclose her last name but she is known to Mamamia. A stock image has been used to represent Georgia.

What do you think about the increase in strip searches in New South Wales? Let us know in the comments.

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Top Comments

Beebs 5 years ago

This is so bad, if they are finding that 2 thirds of people have nothing on them then this is a problem and it's clearly not working. Terrible.

random dude au 5 years ago

Conversely, that means that one third of people really do have something on them. That's rather a high number don't you think?

We've had many articles here previously about drug overdoses and deaths at concerts which was seen as unacceptable and something MUST be done (it was also deemed a problem and evidence of something clearly not working).

I'm not sure what the balance is supposed to be here - purely Draconian measures or purely free for all.

Beebs 5 years ago

I think strip searching innocent people is actually way out of line. It's degrading and humiliating. And of those 1/3 what were they caught with I'd be interested to know. If it was pot for personal use then that is out of line too. I'm not denying there is a drug problem. But if you do a drug test and fail then you should be strip searched. But if you are walking down the street minding your own business, then that is way over the top.

Laura Palmer 5 years ago

Pill testing works. Decriminalising drugs works. Treating drug addiction as a health issue, rather than a criminal one, works. If were were serious about reducing drug deaths, we would be trying things that worked, not violating civil liberties with heavy handed procedures.

random dude au 5 years ago

Firstly, is someone popping a pill for a music festival every few months a 'drug addict' in your eyes?

Secondly, alcohol and nicotine are legal (and heavily taxed) and cause far far more deaths than party drugs at a festival so I'm not convinced by the "Decriminalising drugs works" as a solution.

Laura Palmer 5 years ago

Drug dogs are notoriously unreliable and should not be used as justification for an invasive search. They found nothing in the car or in their pockets, that should be the end of it. This is scary and the police were completely out of line and I think that these girls' had their rights violated.